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Everything posted by BlrwestSiR

  1. Time for something else to clutter the bench. I started this a while back, I think when @Peterpools was working on his. I decided to see how far along I was and maybe try to make some progress. on it. It won't be anywhere near the masterpiece that Jeroen is building but I'm liking it so far.
  2. Paul, it's only their spray cans. None of the bottled paints and primers are affected. There's a chemical in the propellant that exceeds what's allowed so for the moment, all imports are banned. Shops and the distributor can still sell what's in stock but that's it. There was a similar issue many years ago with Mr Color. In that case, it was the bottled paints so they were discontinued for a long time. Some small shops were bringing it in under the radar but it was hard to find for a while.
  3. With the current bam on Tamiya spray cans here in Canada, I thought it best to grab a couple cans of some needed colours for my Bruiser at the LHS. While there I picked up the latest version of Bandai's MG RX-78-2 Gundam. Bandai has redesigned/updated this kit several times now. The original was released back in 1995 and they keep updating it since then. They keep improving the details and articulation of the model.
  4. "He's got legs, and knows how to use them!"... Apologies to any ZZ Top fans. Legs are now on Godzilla.
  5. I have some but hadn't thought of using them for tires. That's a great idea. Although I have red and white for dials and buttons mostly so those would make oddly coloured tires.
  6. Thanks Peter! I always had an interest in woodworking since grade school so it was a fun project. Electrical wiring on the other hand, can get intimidating fast for me. Especially once it's beyond a simple light fixture change.
  7. Thanks Rob! The neighbour's cat looks like our Sunny. He's an outdoor cat as well and has made friends with our neighbours as well.
  8. My wife Sue can't go without her coffee. Such that I got her a tee shirt which says "Coffee makes me less murdery" and she loved it. Paul, sorry to hear about your leg and Mom, hopefully things get better for both of you.
  9. It's about the shelf space! Or lack thereof.
  10. Not the postie but the Fed Ex driver also dropped off a Sprue Bros package at my door. F-4 goodness.
  11. The catio is all done now. Just in time for the temperature to drop to -1° C. Might have to get a heating pad for her.
  12. I probably have some spares somewhere. The big problem is the box where I keep all my spare/leftover armour kit pieces is completely buried by other stuff and not accessible. The basement is partway through yet another reorganization so until that's done, I can't get to it.
  13. It was your recommendation that made me buy them so thanks for the advice.
  14. @Jeff and I were chatting a couple nights ago and while we were, I started working on a simple Godzilla model. I managed to get it finished by the end of the conversation. Like I said, it was a simple kit. Bag of parts, most didn't come on a sprue even. And done. Well, that led to me digging out another Godzilla model from the stash. This one will need a bit more work.
  15. I got a small package today from Kopecky Scale Models. They had a sale recently that offered free shipping. @ScottsGTmentioned that their parts for the F-35 were nice so I thought I should pick some up.
  16. To be honest Peter, I would need to find the kit itself. I think the box may still be at my folks' place somewhere but it's not in the stash. If I do find it, then I can certainly look at getting it done.
  17. Mike, the ZM B-3 kit is on sale at Sprue Brothers until tomorrow. It's 25% off which is a pretty good deal. https://spruebrothers.com/zkmk31105-1-32-zoukei-mura-henschel-hs129b-3/
  18. I may have shared this before but I started a Monogram stock car years ago. This is as far as I've gotten. The body shell is pretty much done but I haven't done any work on the chassis. One nice thing about the cars of that era, the margins were all vinyl decals so no need for a clear coat.
  19. A catio for my carpet monster. Sue asked me to build Fursnake a catio as she keeps trying to go outside. Here she is testing it out. Just need to put the roof on it.
  20. I remember when they called him Awesome Bill from Dawsonville. The Coors Thunderbird is one one of those iconic Nascar liveries. Like Richard Petty's blue racers or the Dale Earnhardt's black Chevies.
  21. Amazing detail on those electronics bays. The Quinta set really pops. Same goes with the engines.
  22. Thanks! Except I've run into a brick wall. The polycaps that hold the road wheels on aren't in the box. Didn't even know it had any so they must have gotten missed. I'll have to come up with something. Otherwise the fit is too sloppy to be any good.
  23. Generally I don't have any trouble finding my tools as I know where I've left them. Of course I've jinxed myself now. The problem is when one of mys sons borrows one and then I have issues finding it. Because they don't know where they've put it either. Which is when I remind them to not touch my stuff!!!
  24. That chalk looks vaguely familiar but not something I've used before. Neat to see how it works. The antenna is a nice touch. Something I've usually left off my builds. But your description on how to do plus PW's ( I think it was him?) from earlier helped demystify it for me. Might have to try it on a future build.
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