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Everything posted by BlrwestSiR

  1. That's a great setup you have Hubert. Nothing like having everything close to hand. I think you have as much paint as I do in racks.
  2. Don't worry about how it takes. I started a Tamiya McLaren back in 1993 and still haven't finished it.
  3. Here's a question for cognoscenti, do the control surfaces on the Su-33 droop when they're parked? Most pics I've found have everything folded up which I don't want to do. I've only seen a couple pics of the plane parked and it looks like the control surfaces have a bit of droop but justel wanted to check.
  4. After a bit of searching, I found some PE intake screens. Eduard make some but they're discontinued. Metallic Details has some as well. Turns out BNA from Australia had both in stock so I went with the Metallic Details version as they were cheaper. Hopefully I'll have them in a week or so. Meantime, I added some very small details to the fan face. You can see them on the left one and the right one will be next. I very much doubt these will be visible all the way down the intake trunk though.
  5. Back to the OP, Jeff you have been very generous yourself. My boys still appreciate the getting that big box of models from you a few years ago. It was like an instant stash for them.
  6. He's not even dead yet and we're picking over his stash.
  7. Yup. Just needs a shark mouth. Which is how I always picture a Marauder for some reason.
  8. Got a package from Ireland yesterday. Another new kit from Thunder Models. These guys need to stop releasing interesting subjects. They even include a booklet on the LRDG and its usage of the F30.
  9. With the complexity of the Minibase Su-33 on the bench, I decided to grab something simple to keep it company. A Tiger Models Corsair of the cute variety. With working, albeit slightly inaccurate folding wings.
  10. Ron, have you tried Hasegawa Mirror Finish? It's a self adhesive film sort of like BMF but I find is far more durable.
  11. I've started work on the intakes. The amount of detail that has been crammed in is truly impressive/scary. I started by adding some of the external details to the intake nacelles. Then I added the probes to the intake trunking. There were some ejector pin marks to clean up first but they were the raised kind so I just needed to scrape them off. To mount the probes, I drilled through the intake wall from the outside which is the way they were moulded. Then I did a test fit of the major intake bits starting with the lower vents. Then probably the biggest disappointment in the kit, the FOD mesh which should be well, mesh but is moulded solid. I have placed the upper intake trunk in place too. Then the upper lip of the intake. Finally the main gear bay insert. Note the nice tight fit. No glue yet in any of these parts. A view down the intake. Not a great one but everything lines up inside and there's no lip. Now to repeat with the other side.
  12. Peter, this kit really impresses, especially as a first effort. That being said, there are some seriously small parts in the build. But so far they have all fit where they're supposed to.
  13. Peter, the Jug is looking good. Nice work on getting the wing sorted. That engine looks impressive.
  14. My sister-in-law who's an ER doc calls them organ donors.
  15. Looks like a Dull Dark Green to me. Nice progress too.
  16. Wow, that's a lot of work. But it looks like you're getting it all figured out. One things for sure. I'm doing mine OOB.
  17. Peter, for whatever reason the general modeling populous (which we're a small subset of) loves German aircraft and BF109s and FW190s in particular. As a general rule, both types and all their variants sell very well for the manufacturers that make them. Unless they're horribly inaccurate or banana shaped. Which means they'll still sell but only so-so. Add to that the quality and accuracy reputation that Kotare has managed to build up with their Spitfire and I'm sure there will be buyers. Throw in the vast variety of late war camo and marking schemes and it's easier to see some folks buying several. Me? I'm not sure yet if I'll get it. If I do, it'll probably more to help them fund their next release which hopefully will be something I do want like a CF-100 Clunk.
  18. Looking forward to seeing what's involved with the build. I started this kit but haven't gotten past engraving some of the panel lines.
  19. That pretty much sums it up. Release a kit that they will sell/sell out and then have funds in the bank for the slightly more esoteric/risky project.
  20. The 500 and Abarth are both newer releases and not older kits. I'd like to get the Abarth as well. If you can find one, the Tamiya Caterham Super 7 is an impressive kit. It has a one piece chassis and aluminum body panels like the real thing.
  21. Kotare have announced a BF-109 K4!!! Release is late 2024/early 2025.
  22. One of my favourites. I've got the much older Doyusha kit but would love a modern release.
  23. Oh, rock crawlers. I love building/modding those. I'm on Clodbuster #5. Or is it #6? The craziest was I took a Tamiya TLT -1 and basically only kept the drive axles. Everything else I swapped out and gave it a 6" chassis stretch. The axles had just under 180° of articulation. I wish i still had it hit some collector wanted it and I sold it. I missed grabbing an RC4WD Killer Krawler when I had the chance. Nothing else has come out that big since.
  24. Got a package from @Martinnfb yesterday. Guess this will go nicely in between the Tempest V I have and the Sea Fury. It'll be make a nice genealogy display. Also got a couple items for my Tamiya F-35s in the mail. A full set of masks for the recent B release and burner cans for both the A and B. The burner cans certainly came in some compact packaging. Turns out it's 3D printed and designed to fit the can exactly. There's a lip that holds it in place and prevents any damage. Lovely detail on the can too. .
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