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Everything posted by BlrwestSiR

  1. Definitely a different paint scheme. Nicely done too which is to be expected.
  2. That's coming along nicely. The Dino looks neat too.
  3. Wow, Ernie. Thanks! I'm glad I was able to make you laugh. I've never built a 190 before so thanks for giving me a shot at one.
  4. Well I'm 52 so not far behind you.
  5. Well I just checked my kits and found they don't need the seamless intakes as the Fisher conversions have them already. So guess I dodged that bullet.
  6. Does the kit need the seamless intake? I've got a couple in the stash but no intakes for them. Just wondering if I should try to find some.
  7. Paul, great to hear your mom is doing well. You're not the only one going through this so it's completely understandable. I take my Dad grocery shopping weekly since he can't drive any more. Sue does the same for her folks when they ask. It's the least we can do to make things easier for them. We're just happy that we can help them out and I'm sure it's same for you.
  8. Speaking of wings, I got the main gear bay assembled and glued in. I forgot to take pics until it was fitted to the wing. Slight tweaking was needed. The engines are together as well. I've left off most of the detail bits since I'm going to have the nacelles closed up.
  9. That's the old kit. This one is from 2016 or that's what the copyright says on the inside of the wing.
  10. Mine looks worse than your before pic. I'm still sorting it out. For those with OCD, avert your eyes. Almost done with the reorganization You can actually see the row between the shelves. Found my box of F-14 paint mules. About a dozen left.
  11. We got a cold climate heat pump installed so it's supposed to be good to -20°C. Just in case it goes colder, we still have our old heating system which is radiators. Best of both worlds I guess. The nice thing is the basement is now finally heated so it won't be as cold down there in the winter.
  12. We had a heat pump installed 1 1/2 weeks ago. I had to move the stash and then due to the wall unit getting installed lost some shelf space. I've spent the last few days sorting and trying to make it all fit in a smaller space so I know how you feel.
  13. That was. .. bad
  14. Or you could go with the one I suggested previously:
  15. Last thing I did last night was start on the paint. A quick test fit of some of the cockpit parts show they go together. I may have to do some remedial paint work on the onion. The Xtreme Metal jet exhaust didn't come out the way I expected.
  16. Nice choice Bill. I considered this kit as well but chickened out and went with the 262 instead.
  17. Some of these sprue connection points are a bit huge. I ended up using a razor saw to cut these off. I've started work on the engines to and have been building up some subassemblies.
  18. I've been trying to slowly (very slowly) get through some of the bottles in my collection. I haven't actually bought anything in the last couple of years but it keeps growing through gifts from friends and family. Some of the single malts I currently have. There's some more plus some eyes, gin, and bourbon. Note the empty space on the shelf due to my attempts at finishing open bottles. I think enjoying a nice Scotch is almost required if you're married to a Scot. Which I am.
  19. That's me too. Sue is very much a coffee drinker and sometimes wonder how she married me since I don't even like the smell of it. I always dreaded when clients would ask to meet at a Starbucks.
  20. I've never finished a 262. Came close with the Tamiya 1/48 kit when it was first released. So I'm hoping I can finally crops this off the list.
  21. And we're off! First thing was to sand/remove the surface detail in preparation for the Red Fox 3D panels. Then I started gluing the cockpit panels together. The fit is not perfect. Lots of dry fitting was needed to get it together. It's definitely a different way to build a cockpit.
  22. I took a quick look through the couple books I have. Most show the wing leading edges with badly chipped and weathered paint. Very weathered paint paint overall. You can see it when they remove the cheek guns and the fresh paint underneath is so much darker. Here are pics of the waist gun position. The tail gunner position. I found it interesting how the ammo belts twisted so much before feeding into the guns. That was a pain to model.
  23. Sadly, that's exactly what happened to me. I ended up binning it as I couldn't see myself slogging through and getting it across the finish line. I did send the engines to Harv for his gunship build so part of it is still around.
  24. Ok, I'm in with something unexpected but from the stash. Box contents: Just kidding, The AM in the mix.
  25. I've the F6 kit in the stash. Just had it out today in fact as I'm trying to reorganize the stash. I also have the somewhat maligned Trumpeter 1/32 one too. I'm still waiting for my LHS to sell the Echelon ones they bought in a collection a few years ago and maybe have a go at my first vac build.
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