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Everything posted by KevinM

  1. Not for me John just in an out alot looks pretty cool from here
  2. I started this evening one of my favorites of the Japanese Army much their version of the P-47 in my book just has that bulky look about it.I painted the interior colors Tamiya Interior Japanese Green 71 very close to MrHobby 23 letting that part dry overnight but I could not stop there.The fuselage builds like a ship model with three bridges that really align and stabilize the fuse.I also went ahead and started the tail,tailplane and the landing flaps the model just builds like many little sub-assemblies!I rather like!I will probably have the copit finished tomorrow.
  3. Oh yeah that's looking good Tony!You see that F-35 that went down in AK yesterday looked slow motion pilot ejected landed right on the runway.Kaboom
  4. This was a quick easy build for a GB on another site had a snafu on the prop decal called it the "persian rug flaw" it did allow me to use some AM decals for some unusual aircraft.I was going-to Tamyia black panel wash but the yellow just said "No".The plane was completely cleared with Alclad light sheen.
  5. Looking good Kriss but.. but.. but she's not a very attractive girl
  6. KevinM


    I am not a vaccine guy never got the C-19 shot had it Most likely in 3/1/20 I did not have flu A or B but had pneumonia for the first time in over 50 years.They would not test me because I was a 1/2' to low on temp.I caught another C-19 variant 18 months later tested + they go you want blood infusion or something else I said No I have already had it.Steroid shot some zinc and something else the doc prescribed I was over it in 24 hrs best 10 day vacation with pay I ever had. I don't get sick I get wounded haven't had so much the sniffles since August 2021 and my wife is a teacher with pre-k she brings it home every-year.I had a Flu once back in 2008/09 but was not as bad as what caught me 2020 that lasted 5 weeks started moving into the other lung that's when they gave me an antibody just for pneumonia killed it in a week.
  7. Hard to tell for sure from that pic and the artist rendition shows some fuzz but ever so slightly constrained?I look at so much of my painting anymore through that guise of scale and depending on my mood/subject will not always follow suit. Call me lazy
  8. I think it was like $131 Paul?I have five kits in the cart right all Tamiya kits 1/48 with two being the different versions of the P-38's avg. price to the door $38 akit with the P-38's coming SS @$70 plus shipping it's a deal.
  9. I think it might of looked better with more definition to the edges being 1/48th just my 2cents.
  10. I got both kits including shipping from Japan for cheaper than the F4 stateside with shipping.
  11. I am so-so on the splotches Mike but that's me but the second crate Rocks I luv it....really sweet.
  12. "SIT" starting to come together 1/2 snafus on a decal one I will fix the other "Persian rug flaw"
  13. making good time then
  14. Got this yesterday courtesy of TJTX aka Tony in the mail for one of the Tamyia Spits I have decals,QBoost Exhaust and Master barrels a gimme by Tony would not even take postage.Thank You Tony it's going to use.
  15. Still got some snow on the N roof and N front yard it's been 4 days now time to go away should be gone by tomorrow temps mid 50's
  16. Meaning a downward slope to the front?If so hard to see from here almost looks like a + front to back pitch to me though ever so slight tops 3/5' which would make sense for flow to the engine.A car engine is done the same also to allow oil drain back holes that flow through the cylinder head through the block back to the oil pan for the pump to pick up.getting a little winded. I see what your reference the very front facing the engine got it.
  17. Nice looking build I myself have done a couple of PCM kits in the Italian family.I stayed away from that kit having seen builds fight the wing root area to which does not seem to show in yours.
  18. It's always something with the woman in our lives.
  19. So Martin had some Alclad "Dull Aluminum" went down pasty like when I was doing larger areas like the gun panels here and the flaps on the F-84G I tried tonight just a few minutes ago cause I like to paint the spinner and blades silver I am going to thin it with MrHobby leveling thinner it frigg'en fixed it! I then taped off the the exhaust panels used Dark Aluminum put two drops sprayed better!We use the leveling thinner all day on I do on both acrylics and lacquer and AlClad is lacquer.
  20. Slowly getting there first time I ever had AlClad peal on the spine of the plane think I was masking to fast doing panels like not even an hour
  21. Wow!
  22. When all said and done we got what looks like 6".
  23. I do not know how one measures for snow but took a dowel hit the ground it's a little over 4" ?
  24. Not something you see in or neck of the woods last snowfall over an 1" was 2014 and before that 1996 snow 004.MPG
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