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Everything posted by KevinM

  1. Nice Rob! do polish before clear? Looking again looking pretty shiny must be the lighting.
  2. We got a little place about 20 minutes away in the next city called Poboy Express they make a poboy called the "Steak Bomb" full 12" 3.5/4 thick for $13.The poboy is basically a Philly Steak with fried shrimp alot it is frigg'in good.I never knew the place has been there 20/30 years I hear.The Wife and I it's the go to now and she complains everywhere she eats but is always ready for PE.
  3. I like the "Nick Nichols Nip Nippers" John That's a good looking aircraft with some Nice colors added by the pilot/crew.
  4. That's a beotch Scott. I do not know how all this will play out the only other thing that has been happening since this all happened is me having from the pain somewhere whether the T1/T2 ,neck area or the rib a debilitating migraine like that has sent me home 4X thus far.
  5. Thanks guys for the likes and looking in Martin that;s the exact pic of the pit I am using you are right one Hasegawa's better kits
  6. Yea Scott I signed papers yesterday afternoon will be pulling together the health records and see what can be done. Oh and get this WC wants me to arrive at the depo by 9AM and it's 3 hrs away if I do not show it's denied for the most part.
  7. I have gotten a the copit just about finished only thing left now is the bottles behind the seat.The two yellow handles on top of the main control are PE from a 1/48 kit with white glue then painted.The AC on display here in the US shows two red and three yellows bent inward.I have AM seatbelts in the stash/wall just need to locate.
  8. Well Scott going to sign papers this afternoon WC is calling me in for a deposition doing the three D's delay,depose and deny is about to happen methinks.The doctor I have to see is suppose to be a neutral third party but is known within the system he works for WC.
  9. KevinM


    Well for the first time in 20+ years I caught something the wife brought home from the kiddie's at school ...Flu.I was not in bad shape just a lot of coughing/fatigue at the doctors office tested positive no strep(wife).I got antibiotics and Tamiflu in 24hrs feeling much better be back at work tomorrow.
  10. It was ZK-420s I really had no business being in a Sotheby's Auction house I just did not know enough about the rifle only it was coming out of a private individual in the UK.The pics of the rifle and the machining just claim perfection throughout.I was in another auction a small house spotted a rifle being claimed a K98 but was not I think either Norway or Denmark on the country.The Germans took over the factory and were proofing the rifles with Waffen and SS marks.I had like $2500 as my top bid and some JA from like Sotheby/Tiffany's came in and cleaned or clock. https://www.poulinauctions.com/2024/10/02/extremely-rare-czech-zk-420s-semi-auto-rifle/
  11. I stay away from GunBroker as a buying platform I use Proxibid then I see all the gun auctions RIA being one of the bigger names but their is one name I recognize out of Kali has some Nice stuff at times.I was in an auction house online one day had $3200 as my limit my money was no good there......Southerbys the rifle went for 16k plus fees
  12. My son will get most of my collection also he was kind of disappointed I cut the Garand lose but Garands are a dime a dozen to get.I am sitting on about 40 rifles now I guess with 30+ being of Military grade.The $400 price I figured was from in 2018 the price was about $330 to $600 with the wear with 60/70% still there I was being conservative Scott.I had a customer come in today we have gotten to know each other pretty well( retire Marine) he mentioned these old S&W revolvers are making a comeback like you said worth more.
  13. Yes he did Scott it's not worth that much market wise maybe $400 he's on the conservative side like me his sons not so much we have much in common playing Golf out at KAFB in the past with our other buddy William.
  14. So my neighbor across the street treats me as one of his own sons has been passing on what he had as guns some since his youth.So far I have gotten a single shot 20G 2 1/2 , .410 single and today something I don't dabble in much a handgun.The gun comes in the original box serial # is 1973/74 Smith Wesson J-Frame .38 special snub-nose.I have always wanted a revolver this one has some holster wear on the cylinders he has/had friends in law enforcement.He said the gun was gifted to him about 1990 he never fired it.
  15. Nice looking crate Mark will draw attention once in the case.
  16. Sure is looking good Carl
  17. Gus the kit thus far has been really easy peasy and the fit is tight/good.I plan to black base,silver,green and chip.I usually chip viva a knife just scraping here and there what I have seen looks like the paint chip at seams joints along the fuse wing etc.
  18. So true brother I am going to have to live to be 150 to finish all what I have.
  19. I guess Kriss the pieces there are what will be seen through the open doors?If so good ideal to open both and let the light flood the area .
  20. Good looking pit John.
  21. Not for me John just in an out alot looks pretty cool from here
  22. I started this evening one of my favorites of the Japanese Army much their version of the P-47 in my book just has that bulky look about it.I painted the interior colors Tamiya Interior Japanese Green 71 very close to MrHobby 23 letting that part dry overnight but I could not stop there.The fuselage builds like a ship model with three bridges that really align and stabilize the fuse.I also went ahead and started the tail,tailplane and the landing flaps the model just builds like many little sub-assemblies!I rather like!I will probably have the copit finished tomorrow.
  23. Oh yeah that's looking good Tony!You see that F-35 that went down in AK yesterday looked slow motion pilot ejected landed right on the runway.Kaboom
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