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Everything posted by KevinM

  1. I tried some 6000 and it was smoothing it out.
  2. Black base a little pebbly but I buffed the l/wing some will be fine need to let it dry better.Got the gear built.
  3. I am not going to worry about them Peter they are quite subtle on this one.
  4. The tailplanes were wrong I am trying to get her primed today wing fit pretty good.
  5. The yellow air brush or hand like the last build?either way looks great.
  6. A lot of these old kits can build up into a nice representation looking good thus far.
  7. Nice work thus far that's one plane I have not built yet any scale.
  8. Mike like it was made there outstanding.
  9. Nice Peter I need to get back to the Mossie!
  10. I watched a YT video of a fella doing the Tamyia half track and his painting was a bit different than mine for his effects but then again my wethering techniques are still in their infancy.looking good thus far.
  11. Coming along nicely Gary I like the poses.
  12. I am thinking it will look like a P-51.The fit of the fuselage halves was really Quite Nice for Trumpeter kit a little scraping and then some 600 stick work.
  13. Well all's looking good Rob the machine you will learn the curve.The display is something you need to ponder I have seen some over here https://modelshipworld.com/ that take the build to a whole level sometimes.I admire the cases more the build but that's me and wood.
  14. This has to be one of my Favorite paint scheme's out there for a P-51 I have integrated the Quinta P-51 for Tamiya as best I can it looks okay no Tamyia for sure but it will do.The IP worked out great the rest......?I am not going to have the gun bays open(?) and the engine was crap it's already in the trash I am going for aesthetics overall.So far the fuselage fit together great w/o that engine now.
  15. Well be one day Kai had a snafu with the clear no bigee just said let it rest for awhile back to the Trump P-51 Tamiya Quinta in the pit working so far.
  16. I like to get back to fishing out front in the Gulf Sea Trout and Red Fish only been once this year thus far.
  17. Improve? Looking just right by these eyes,outstanding!
  18. I think you might be right Rob going looking back at Martins pics even from the side looks like the cyl are in a tighter arrangement.Well it is what it is at this point of the came life goes on.The blades will be deployed.
  19. Some pics of the paint guys and I have taken some liberties.The leather and metal band(steel) they would have you leave it all Azure Blue.The cowling was suppose to be steel went Aluminum Alclad .I am about to embark on looking for more pics for the final paint(small stuff) as far as wethering just some accented panels and a little more.
  20. i am with you on the work of the deadeyes Rob I got into groove as you say when building up mine for the SS America which I really need to get back to ......one day.Keep it rolling looking really good.
  21. We's...a waiting Phil wake up!
  22. What a beauty Mike!
  23. She is looking awfully good their Peter and I am getting that way about the Revell glue myself.
  24. I think Ernie has been a little out of pocket of late.
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