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Everything posted by KevinM

  1. I do not use all the PE they supply Peter as in A/C some of it is redundant or the plastic is just fine and some just to small.
  2. Well all the hull handrails are in place 48 each side meaning 98 holes nothing is glued on the decks yet.I have to pick up some screws tomorrow to mount the ship to it's stand after that already staring secondary guns dealing with a bit of PE.
  3. I like the 2nd pic John they say these guys eventually started looking pinkish over time.Nice build do not have one in the cabinet 2nd pic different plane me idiot
  4. The couple I've been to in Mobile it seemed the local guys have the upper hand.I think the 110 line was BS(does it need to fly) and the VII definitely looked better from that angle.
  5. Well I have been working this build a little each day I am now on Holiday I have the a/c crane completed ,F/Antenna and the Funnel are now complete.The portion I worked on today which was a first for me hull ladders 96 holes on each side of the hull to be drilled with steps installed!!I have to say the curve took me about 2 hrs to do the 24 rails but the next 38 took a little over an hour.The system has been developed and refined only 38 left I will probably get some pics up M/Tues a cousin is in New Orleans doing a shoot(makeup artist) have not seen her in 40+ years 1979 she stayed the summer Dad said"never seen so many damn boys hanging around" All my friends wanted to date her.
  6. That looks really Nice in those not often seen markings/camo Carl but hangar space?I was thinking the same thing just ordered the 1/200 Scharnhorst @47" I'll make the wiffee move to a different room.
  7. I know what you mean Mike I like to do ships from time to time and most assemble then paint I pre-paint the engine looks good thus far.
  8. She is Sweet Looking Peter really want to see those finished pics with your camera skills at hand.
  9. That was fast and it's looking quite Nice John.
  10. Well Ernie I am glad you are having so much fun but I am still not going to buy one!
  11. No biggee really figured it was all due to the spammers I know it seemed they posted right after I did.
  12. Ernie do I get my thread back on Chikuma?Am I allowed to start a new one if not because I posted about the same time the spammers showed up.
  13. It's coming to a neighbor near you.
  14. The fella I mentioned in the above post has a small very simple wood project I have to integrate into my work a base for a commission job of a Biloxi Schooner "The Raken II".It's a scratch built wooden model from plans he drew up from measurements of old schooners it's 1/48 scale and the commission started with 1K payment up front .The final product will end up in the Panhandle of FL at a restaurant if I heard right.Just thought/found it quite interesting this is the same guy doing a commission job for the City of Gulfport of the first ship to land in the port in like 1902(?) http://www.historicalsocietyofgulfport.org/trojan.html
  15. That came out really Nice John I like the weathering on this one the best in the last few months
  16. I think the same John but the fella down the street a History/Marine Archeologist he's not that fond of the lines he goes S.Dakota class for him.I am trying to get something going daily even if just an hour or so,
  17. They are not the hard just a different way of planning and thinking The PE is a must for extra details to be obtained but like anything else not all PE needs to be used to weras the plastic does will enough.I have the Prinz Eugen at about 40% now it may be next on the list as I work on the backlogs of unfinished kits.
  18. She's looking good Peter.
  19. Turrets have the requested PE applied just need to repaint and do the blast bags.
  20. I started this build I think 2019/20 and I am in that mood to clear some stuff off the deck per say.I am almost finished with the bridge but I screwed up up sets of ladders for the back so more are inbound.I have to repaint the funnels and stripe them out should be interesting with the pipes on?I feel I am about 50% ATTM looking at what sprues are left mainly guns,planes and a bit PE four nice size frets.The part I luv the best is rigging going to have to do some research to get her right makes a ship look the part. Some pics in there that come off the Tamyia Website to give a look at her finished lines Japanese and the Germans had some nice hulls. Some History............. Chikuma Country Japan Ship Class Tone-class Heavy Cruiser Builder Name Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Laid Down 1 Oct 1935 Launched 19 Mar 1938 Commissioned 20 May 1939 Sunk 25 Oct 1944 Displacement 15,200 tons standard Length 649 feet Beam 60 feet Draft 21 feet Speed 35 knots Crew 850 Armament 8x200mm, 8x130mm, 75x25mm anti-aircraft, 12x610mm torpedo tubes Chikuma was a Tone-class heavy cruiser built at Nagasaki by Mitsubishi. With her large seaplane capacity, long-range scouting missions fitted her well. She was a member of Sentai 6 (Sixth Squadrion) until transferred to Sentai 8 in Nov 1939. She participated in exercises and patrolled off southern China until the outbreak of the Pacific War. She participated in the attack on Pearl Harbor, the event that sparked off the war, as an escort to the fleet carriers; one of her seaplanes flew pre-strike reconnaissance mission over Pearl Harbor before the attack. Immediately after Pearl Harbor, she sailed for Wake Island to assist in the conquest there. During Japan's conquest of the South Pacific in the opening six months of the war, Chikuma played a part in many of the key events aside aircraft carriers. She was also present beside the carriers when they met their end at Midway in Jun 1942. On 24 Aug 1942 she participated in the Battle of the Eastern Solomons, and then on 26 Oct Battle of the Santa Cruz Islands, both off the Solomon Islands. In the latter action, she was moderately damaged by American dive bombers and was placed out of commission in Japan until late Feb 1943. In early 1944, she was transferred to Sentai 7. She participated in a cruiser raid into the Indian Ocean in Mar, then fought off the Mariana Islands in Jun. Off Philippines, she was attacked by submarine and aircraft on 23 and 24 Oct as she headed toward the eastern shore of the island of Samar; at the battle bearing the island's name, she helped in the sinking of escort carrier Gambier Bay, but was later seriously damaged by torpedoes. Destroyer Nowaki took on Chikuma's crew as Chikuma was abandoned. When Nowaki was later sunk, all but one of Chikuma's crew survived. https://ww2db.com/ship_spec.php?ship_id=37
  21. Shes getting close fellas tail wheel,glass and blades and this one hit the cabinet.
  22. John what I have is the HC version of the Trumpter kit it comes with some decals of the Royal Navy but no instructions for them and went to Scalemates none there.
  23. Thks Guys for the comments and I am back on the Auto-Gyro ATTM will post pics when completed then what?
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