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Everything posted by KevinM

  1. Yea I got the ole Dr1 1/28 going ....
  2. Thks Phil trying to decide what next?I started one of those ole 1/28 DR1's but I am just not into it so much.
  3. I am calling this one finished.
  4. I can't say enough about the quality of ICM kits another little jewel I have never seen before maybe you guys have?The wing tip light have a long extension that fits into the wing being clear you paint the extension and the tip becomes the color thought it was neat and well thought out looks more natural. And then theirs my boy Gaz aka Gary just prodding me along So I did a little not much to the bottom Gary these planes could lay down some really serious exhaust staining I went light. Then the ole Boy(Gaz) had to go say this"No German plane looks right without external gunsights on their defensive weapons. " So I added them Gary just for you.
  5. Now that it's been pointed out the hangover is legit do you think with some sanding and a paper patch it will mirror the pic?
  6. Martin I thought about that at one point but she is flat now and the feeling to move on is upon me.
  7. Another 2/4 hours and this is done .........
  8. I found that out on the He-111 nothing that a toothpick could not fix but still.
  9. Peter I just got three more Eduard 1/48 Mustangs and two will be PR crates the other an Aussie.To many kits not enough time.
  10. I have to agree Rod looks like the real thing!
  11. No help from me either Peter but I do like that PRU but I have an affliction for those in Mustangs.
  12. Phil that 1/24 decal gets me in the 600MM range.I am for the most have completed the shading on the plane and it starting to look like a He-111 methinks.The fuse itself on the sides did not get as much dusting as everything else seeing the top surfaces would fade faster.The bombs well I plan to use some dr. green pastels to blend it in better.I have small things from here on out nothing mayor I hope unless I cause it.
  13. I busted out a box of pastels using a light white grey and an even lighter sand mixed started some blending.I had the airbrush set up with some flat I coat spray coat till I was happy....I think I am happy with the wings and the L/Tailplane.The build is starting to come together just longer than most for me at least it's getting artistic ATTM.
  14. Hey Phil mine comes out right at .5" which would equal the 600MM marking.So,I got a little powder work done this evening (work is killing me) what's yall's impression?
  15. Oh Yeah by the way ICM did not provide a swastika so that one was supplied by Trumpter from a 1/24 scale Me-109 kit.The pic that Martin through up in the beginning of the post make it look about the right size.
  16. Decals have been applied I know we like thin but man some of these were just to thin I lost several.I have several mistakes in the paint all on the undersides 1) the white under the wings went one panel to far inboard.2) the white band on the tail is 1/16" to wide hint the "A" hit the white centering the "Z" and 3) the RLM 78 was to go much lower between the wing and tailplanes live and learn.I think when done 9 out of 10 people will never notice those mistakes so I march on.I made up the colors for the props,bombs and prop covers.
  17. Now that is not one you see everyday John.
  18. I thought the same thing very well done Rod!
  19. I missed this that is Frigg'in Sweeeet!!
  20. Hang it get a 1/48 or 1/72 Spit MkXVI hanging back in the distance with them connected by 2lb fishing line.I would use the corner opposite from the door heading for the door just an idea.it does look good and big it is.
  21. Thks for the comments guys I am actually having fun now for I feel some success is happening.I went through with the Sand on the rest of the bottom of the plane including the white then I added a bunch white almost pink and did the top wing,tailplanes and spine I likee toned it down some more one touch-up.I then went back over the bottom with 78 and white to blend .
  22. So I went back over the upper surfaces with the 1942 Africa Sand toning it down a little more about as Far as I go.The bottom sides I used a M.Grey for the panel lines one side I went back over with the RLM 78 better than the other I like the heavier coat but notice I used some sand on that side also blow up the pic me likee!I stopped on the other side knowing I am going to sand the L/S and the R/s some more and go back w/78 and do the white also.The top once the decals get laid I will use some pastels from Tamyia I hope it works any tips on Rob,Gary etc. mucha appreciated.
  23. Like the short grass over the tall Mike the plane well.....lovely Sir!
  24. I like it a lot Mike Stunning as Usual!!
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