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Everything posted by kahunaminor

  1. Congratulations on a great display piece! Unfortunately, I think you are correct in your assumptions about sales as it looks too real. Welcome to LSM, that is a great entrance! Regards,
  2. Nicely done Ralph. I'd happily set that in my display cabinet. Regards,
  3. Not as spectacular as Verbeek but this arrived for me: Not to the bench yet but definitely in the line! Regards
  4. I think this qualifies as a speed build for me!
  5. Welcome back, It has been a while, as I have been sorting out some personal matters after my father passed away in late May. I also haven't really felt the urge to build or record the build, but he was my inspiration into starting the hobby, so time to get back on the horse! The main construction is finished with the cockpit installed, wing uppers, lower fuselage, tail assembly and lower engine cover all in place: The horizontal stabilisers required a little bit of "Perfect Plastic Putty": As did the lower fuselage insert at the front. The retracted wheel covers have been stuck in place with some blue tac as a mask: The wing root joins are almost flawless. The starboard seam needed a little bit of sanding at both forward and rear lower ends as it sat a bit high. But after a few swipes and dry fits it came together nicely. The port seam had a slight step where the forward lower cowling joins but I fashioned a spacer from some sprue, inserted it through the lower nose cavity whilst it was still open and it ended up great so it leads me to believe it was ham fistedness that was the issue: There is still a bit of work to do at the forward wing join: These shots are to show you how delicate the ribbing is on the fuselage, much lessdefined as the trough and valleys of other manufacturers: I have also completed the prop and spinner, filled some minor seams in the spinner joins, white undercoat, then MM Insignia yellow and masked in preparation of the black: Then popped on the prop and a quick sortie to the sounds of "takka, takka, takka"! Thanks for looking
  6. Great stuff mate, An excellent build of an excellent kit. Regards,
  7. A great kit Ralph. Solid engineering and quality mouldings. One to add to the wish list. Regards,
  8. Just got my notification that my HKM Mosquito has been processed by HLJ. I am away at the moment until the 30th so I may have a pleasant surprise when I get back! Regards,
  9. Welcome back, Progress continues with what is a pleasant build. Airfix give you the opportunity to display the gun bays open so to satisfy my AMS a little, I have chain drilled and removed both the wing gun bay covers: The guns themselves are quite okay for what will be seen and installation is relatively simple: The starboard wing has been installed: The port wing awaits. I have also done some touch ups to the paintwork in the cockpit and the seat, which was the last thing to go in last night: Hopefully the other wing upper will go on today. Detail painting of the cockpit and then oil washes. Regards,
  10. The big Spitfire was bogging down. I don't know why, maybe I was a little intimidated by building the "uber kit" or it could have been any number of reasons. Anyway, I looked into the stash last night and dragged out the new tool 1/48 Airfix Hurricane Mk I...just for a look: A couple of hours later I was left with this: Amazing what happens! I wasn't really happy with the kit seat and would need a harness anyway. I dragged out an Ultracast Hurricane seat set and used just the seat. I also removed the height adjuster from the kit part and attached it to the Ultracast seat: This morning I shot a coat of MM RAF Interior Green and then brush painted MM Aluminium onto the gun and wheel bays, internal framing and the seat: So dear reader here we are. I haven't even decided upon a scheme as yet! I will be using the Ultracast wheels, seat and Hurricane Mk I exhausts but the rest will be OOB. It's funny but there is something a bit soothing about building "an Airfix kit" my first in around 30 years! Regards,
  11. Congratulations Rick, Exemplary finish. Thanks for sharing. Regards,
  12. Noice, you are burning a hole in my wallet! Regards,
  13. Great stuff Mal, Interesting to tie it in to a local piece of history. Regards,
  14. Nice result. You couldn't miss that in the sky above you! What FS number is that DD Pink? Regards,
  15. Nicely done and welcome Marek, Thanks for sharing. Regards,
  16. Wouter, Your build is going to cost me a HpH 410! Inspiring stuff, thanks for sharing. Regards,
  17. It's a great start, the detail in the cockpit is very well done. Congrats and thanks for sharing. Regards,
  18. Congrats on a stunning build Rick. Belt looks very good hanging there! Regards,
  19. Looking good Dave, Good paint coverage and the bent prop came out well! Regards,
  20. Very nice build. I love the colours and the result of the weathering. Thanks for sharing and regards,
  21. Resistance is futile! Pre ordered one from HLJ!
  22. Very nice work Jeroen, Forgive the bloody obvious but how did you apply the fluid? I see a brush so is that dipped or is the fluid "squirted/dropped" on and then the brush settles it into place? Regards
  23. Nice work on the colours...the early shots had me a bit confused but under a different light, it comes up very nicely. Regards,
  24. That would be right! Ah well, I have a friend with a lathe and some skill. I will be talking more with him this weekend and handing over the parts to see if he can turn them approriately! Curse you Master!!!! Regards,
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