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Everything posted by JonathanReed

  1. You gotta love it! Looking great!
  2. The build and pictures are so clean! Wish i could see this in person! Inspirational.
  3. I havent decide on what scheme yet. I have a cheap P-36 I'm going to put together to try out my bare metal skills. If that goes well, then It will be at least partially naked! LOL
  4. Finally got the P-47. Barracuda wheel and brass gun barrels. Thank you Rick Also some modules from Hobby Zone!!!
  5. Nice saves ! Coming along nicely!
  6. WOW!! Now thats LOVE!! Now tell her to go do the dishes....LOL
  7. Stunning work. You should be proud!!
  8. Uh Oh the photos left??
  9. Thank yall for the nice comments!
  10. Very cool! One of those things you know is there but never seen. Love stuff like that!
  11. Yes! Very Ugly! But I'm with you on planes meaning something because of childhood memories. I believe I saw it on one of the battleships when i was a tot and the awe of it all! I I will be grabbing one of these myself. <Rubbing arm like a heroine junkie, only for plastic!>
  12. Dont blame you Rick. Ive been putting this to the side for some time now and when i started it I heard the KH was being released!
  13. Thank you everyone! That means a lot!
  14. I actually finished this onths ago, but forgot to post the final build. Here it is!
  15. Glad it was Paul that brought that up! LOL I wasnt going to say it!
  16. It must be tiny! Good stuff!
  17. It's been a lot of fun the last couple of weeks as I've been able to sit down and try out some of the new techniques that I've been reading about. Still need some practice! Most of the cockpit parts are finished except for the side panels which will be the task for today! The lower panel was scrathbuilt. I found I have to shorten in a little to make the middle and upper panels fit correctly to the side walls. Should'nt pose to much trouble though. I started using Formula 560 for gluing the PE parts and its made applying small parts enjoyable! Using new airbrush techniques, and still have a lot to learn. Since joining this group modelling has become fun through the WHOLE process. I used to loathe certain steps but now...WOW! Thank all of YOU! Ill apply the clear coats and add more weather layering today. The picture below shows the hollowed out wheel bay. I am plaesed with how its coming out. All thats needed now is more support to ensure the legs are strong. I will add wiring, piping and control linkages to make it busy. Doubt it will ever be seen, but it was the effort for my education! Thanks for looking
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