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Everything posted by JonathanReed

  1. Nice build! The setting is awesome for the pic (Rising Sun Fade)!
  2. WOW! Loving the base work! Cant wait to see it all together!
  3. Yes indeed! Decals are my favorite part of the build. That seems to be when it just starts to come alive!
  4. Doh! Thats a slap your Mama price LOl!
  5. Looking Fantastic. Many of you may remember the old diorama of the wrecked B-17 that slid off the side of the runway and lost the gear.? I was little lad and already loved airplanes, but looking at that model and the story, no, stories that it told grabbed me into the great world of modelling! This one should inspire many more people to come. So Cool!
  6. This is looking fantastic Rick! On another subject...sorry...the drill bits you featured in another post and are showing with the engine wiring harness earlier in this one, I tried the e-mail address you showed to no avail Is there another way of contactig him? It either get no reply or it kicks it back for a bad address. Would love to get my hands on some of those! Love watching your builds! Keep up the beautiful work
  7. What do you say!? Amazeing stuff! That is just SOOOOO cool!
  8. Beautiful! The Beau is soooo ugly its cool looking! Dont know what it is? Beautiful job!
  9. Looks great Danny! The prop is very convincing.
  10. Will definitely be thinking about him! Hoping for a speedy recovery process!
  11. Dont forgt to tell her that you sold a few kits to pay for it....now thats not lying...
  12. Nice airbrush work on that Lemon Emigrant too! LOL! Seriously its looking awesome!
  13. What a MAN CAVE! I think I'm jealous now.
  14. The shading...well everything is looking great!
  15. This is looking Fantastic! Although it is more fun seeing it go together, I cant wait to see the final product!
  16. Thats an amazing F-16! Looks like youve been doing it for years! Thank you for sharing!
  17. Those look great! Love the weathering!
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