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Everything posted by JonathanReed

  1. I hope this isnt a problem starting this. It may have been done but I didnt see any yet. I was wondering if everyone could post one pic of the best build in their collection? Would love to see that!
  2. Love those doors. The colors are amazing!
  3. Oh Goodie! This one will be COOL!
  4. I hear ya John! Keep the builds and updates coming. Maybe some more close ups of this one??
  5. Where are you in Louisiana John? I hope to see this in person in one of the contest coming up!
  6. Holy Cow! I definitely DO NOT DESERVE this! Thank you
  7. Beautiful! Got ta get one of those!
  8. Well its finished thats about all I have to say about that..... It was fun and I learned a lot.
  9. Wow! Nice prize! Thank you WnW.
  10. Ok. If I have too LOL! As I said earlier I have a couple of touch up items and finishes that work is preventing me from doing, but it wont take too long when i do get the chance. All of the white and crosses are painted. i didnt feel like messing with the decals. Thanks for looking and it WAS FUN!
  11. Looking good! Don't give up!
  12. Looking forward to this!
  13. Looking very nice! Keep it up
  14. Suuuweeet! Nice to have you here and let us enjoy some nice work! My all time favorite plane.
  15. Nice! Looking forward to seeing this come out. Nice subject and great detail.
  16. Ah Steve...YOU are DOOMED now! I did the same thing. I thought yeah I'll get the Hisso and then that will be that. Have touched it yet due to the Eindecker GB, but now I have five more WNW kits on the shelf. I dont have the slope thing, mine is more slippery CLIFF!
  17. Looks like I'll be getting this one TOO! Awesome review.
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