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Playing in the Sandbox Group Build Sept 1, 2024 - Jn 1, 2025

Takom Panzerkampfwagen I 1/16 scale... with figure

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Well...   what's new.... 

I decided to go European and ordered this figure:


He is by SOL model in Korea but was fortunately in stock at BNA Model world.

Also....   I kicked a bit of ass in the filling and seam department.

It's not too bad filling a gap, we all do it with almost every model we touch.  But special difficulty comes when you have a gap where a panel line or other detail should be.  The usual answer is rescribing.  But I hate rescribing.  I hate it because my scribe lines are nowhere near as sharp, neat, nor straight as factory lines.

I had a 2mm-ish gap to fill in pic 1.


In pic 2, I placed some gobs of blutack to hold some evergreen styrene sheet.


In pic 3, I inserted the too tall strip of sheet and used the blutack to hold it to one side of the gap.


I also jammed a couple toothpicks in the front to keep everything stable, but avoided getting CA near them.

Then I filled the gap with black CA and sprinkled baking soda over it liberally.


Then, I reduced everything with files, knives, and sanding, keeping all raised detail protected...  pic 5...  finally sanding it smooth with 1200 grit paper.


The black CA shows clearly here.

Finally...  two shots of the result being tested with gray primer.



The best damn panel line I ever did make.


Happy modelling!

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1 hour ago, Kaireckstadt said:

Great stuff, great problem solution and perfect instructions how to do it!

You should write a modeling tipps and tricks guide, Gary! 

The black CA is really a helpful invention for us modelers! 

Thank you, Kai.  Clear CA works the same, really.  Once you sand it, the large gaps appear dark, anyway.

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28 minutes ago, GazzaS said:

Thank you, Kai.  Clear CA works the same, really.  Once you sand it, the large gaps appear dark, anyway.

You are right Gary, but the filling of a gap with black CA is easier, because you can clearly see where you applied it.

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Hola Senores Y Senoritas!

Thank you Rob!  I must at this time admit that some of the gap was my fault.  I had to go back and redo it after a silly omission.  Anyway....

Today's work:

The first pic....   with the red arrow's is from a friend's build.  He doesn't come here that I know of. 


There are 9 plates to fit to the carapace or upper hull.  One on top and 8 on the sides.  Faux weld lines are provided, but unfortunately, as the red arrows illustrate...  there are still edges to be seen that don't look natural between two pieces of steel welded together.


I committed a significant of modelling time today filling the seams with stretched sprue, sanding away the faux sprue, and creating my own welding lines.  This is what it looked like before I cleaned it up:


Finally, late in the evening I added the only PE in the kit, the muffler covers.



Although I've decided to go Euro with the paint scheme, the figure is handy to add some scale to this WIP.


Happy modelling!



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8 hours ago, Bomber_County said:

Gaz, absolutely stunning, haven’t stepped up to 1/16 yet…..great weathering…….you will love RFM, quality of the moulding is excellent, fit is great to, be interested in your observations……

Thank you, Phil.  This will be the end of my 1/16 scale soiree.  It's all about cost really.  The only person making great 1/16 figures if Jeff Shiu.  But due to shipping costs I'd be looking at well over 100$ just for a figure. 

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18 hours ago, Peterpools said:


Wow - thanks for the update and tutorial .. perfectly done.

Keep 'em comin


Thank you Peter...


And here we are...  with all of the pre-paint gluing done.

All of the unpainted, loose parts are either dry fitted, held on by blutack, or in the case of the tracks, joined by brass pins.




Happy modelling!

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From far, it seems like Stan Laurel in DAK livery is inspecting the progress, Sons of the Desert :D. Great progress Gaz, the size comparison is interesting, this Tank is tiny.

Cheers Rob

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11 hours ago, DocRob said:

From far, it seems like Stan Laurel in DAK livery is inspecting the progress, Sons of the Desert :D. Great progress Gaz, the size comparison is interesting, this Tank is tiny.

Cheers Rob

Thanks Rob...  tiny, yet very important.  The Pz I made up more than half of German Panzer strength during operations in Poland.

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10 hours ago, Kaireckstadt said:

Great build so far Gary! This is really big! The chains came out looking awesome!

Curious how it will look like with paint on it! 

Thanks, Kai.  I'm curious about how it will look, too.  I've never done Dunkelbraun over Dunkelgrau.  So...  it will all be new for me.

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9 hours ago, Peterpools said:


Looking so good .. your building is simply flawless

Keep 'em comin



Thanks Peter.  I wouldn't say it's flawless...   but the extra effort certainly takes a lot more time than my teenage method of twisting the parts from the sprue and gluing them together without a hint of dry-fitting.

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12 minutes ago, GazzaS said:

Thanks, Kai.  I'm curious about how it will look, too.  I've never done Dunkelbraun over Dunkelgrau.  So...  it will all be new for me.

When I remember how difficult the painting of your 190 was and how it came out this should be kein Problem for you Gary! 

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Great so far, keep up the good work. I sometimes get the feeling there's a guy

In DAK uniform  watching over me. I'm glad to see there's photographic evidence that I'm

not alone. Anyway, I have a Takom 1/16 panzer  1 b that will have the brown over gray

paint scheme. I intend to use Tamiya paints. I'm thinking the Tamiya flat brown will work

over their German gray. I hope this will work. Anyway, I'm involved in a move and it will

probably be a while.....I'm involved in a horrific move at the moment !

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9 minutes ago, belugawhaleman said:

Great so far, keep up the good work. I sometimes get the feeling there's a guy

In DAK uniform  watching over me. I'm glad to see there's photographic evidence that I'm

not alone. Anyway, I have a Takom 1/16 panzer  1 b that will have the brown over gray

paint scheme. I intend to use Tamiya paints. I'm thinking the Tamiya flat brown will work

over their German gray. I hope this will work. Anyway, I'm involved in a move and it will

probably be a while.....I'm involved in a horrific move at the moment.

So, when gonna start this ??.....harv :sofa:

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Well Harv, I just don't know. Probably weeks from now. I'm so frustrated at the

Moment as this move seems to have put all my plans asunder. I actually stopped

Mid build of a PT 76. I didn't think there would be so many delays. I expected to

Be settled-in by now. I can't wait to put the  tamiya extra thin to plastic again!


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1 hour ago, Kaireckstadt said:

When I remember how difficult the painting of your 190 was and how it came out this should be kein Problem for you Gary! 

Kai, thank you for your faith. 

There are some major differences between painting an armor model and painting a streamlined airframe.  Even the Albatros I just did...  I had to treat as an armored model instead of an aircraft.


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It's dark!  Very dark!


I've painted the upper half with SMS Premium German Gray RAL 7021.  For your comparative pleasure, I've placed a bottle of Tamiya flat black, and a bottle of Tamiya Panzer Gray near the tank.


And taken pics from three separate angles to allow for lighting.


I've also laid the tracks across because I think the color I made for 'track brown' is actually a very nice match for Dunkelbraun #45.


I used about 1/4 of the bottle of SMS paint just to do everything above the return rollers.  It's a big model.


Happy modelling!


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