CANicoll Posted January 13, 2023 Author Posted January 13, 2023 After clearing the fouling of the front wheel doors, I primed/painted most of the bird prior to further assembly. This this has such a huge wingspan that I find it easier to complete the major painting in sections, then finish up and touch-up afterwards. Especially since this is an all-black scheme. Handling is easier for me this way as well. The fuselage has 'hand holds' painted where I can grab on for future painting (e.g. when I get the clear parts installed and masked - then I only have to paint those parts). The paint booth was rather crowded this evening!! No clue how the entire aircraft will get painted. Maybe the wing as one piece, and the fuselage as another, and then put the two together (along with the wing struts). My favorite paint for this is actually Vallejo's Black Primer. The Gloss Black Primer seems to be impossible to get, so settled for the other Black Primer which is somewhere between a matte and a semi-gloss. It goes on very smoothly, handles and masks extremely well (as you would expect from a primer) and is very easy to modulate color if you choose to. This build will be a fairly factory-fresh aircraft so, against my usual habit, I opted to pass on the faded scheme. The paint does go on VERY smoothly (and dries to the touch quickly! By the time everything has gotten a coat, the first pieces can be handled). Here is a closer picture of the wing - showing some pretty fine detail (for 1995! Which is the date shown on the copyright on the elevator tab). There will be one more coat once everything is assembled so pardon the spots with less than perfect coverage. f The masks showed up tonight so hopefully this weekend the clear parts can be installed and masked. Chris 9 2
KevinM Posted January 13, 2023 Posted January 13, 2023 That black laid down real Nice Chris and yes some nice subtle details. 4
CANicoll Posted January 13, 2023 Author Posted January 13, 2023 Thanks Kev! The Vallejo Black Primer lays down very nicely, thinned about 25%, sprayed at 18psi. I have Mr Color Black and MRP Black but the Vallejo is just so easy to use. 8
BlrwestSiR Posted January 13, 2023 Posted January 13, 2023 Nice job on the paint. It's sometimes easier to work on subassemblies and then maybe do touchups once they all come together. Which has been my approach on the Falcon. As for the black, check out the new Mr Color Aqueous Surfacer in black. It's got a satin finish and sprays on beautifully. Carl 5
Landlubber Mike Posted January 13, 2023 Posted January 13, 2023 Looks great! I actually have been moving away from Vallejo primer as I find it has a tendency to lift, at least if painted on metal (I like using it for things like the cockpit or interior where there is no masking). Mr. Surfacer primer has been my go to, but I might have to try Vallejo again given your words of support! You're right, it's very easy to use! 5
CANicoll Posted January 13, 2023 Author Posted January 13, 2023 Thanks Carl for the Mr Color suggestion. I'm trying to minimize the number of paints I'm using (primers, thinners, etc) and at the moment have Vallejo Model Air and Vallejo Metal, Tamiya, MRP, Alclad, Model Master Acryl and Model Master Metalizer. A couple of Mr Color and Mr Surfacer. Vallejo drives me a bit batty as some of their colors are so far off. But I love their black primer and their Metal colors. MRP is wonderful, but I have to use my respirator when I spray and clean up - but the results are terrific. I'm sorry Model Master is basically gone. The newer acrylics like MIG are supposed to be terrific, but I'm trying NOT to add another line to my wall. I guess it is all a tradeoff. Hey Mike! I've never tried to mask over PE before so that is a new one for me. I have not had lifting problems with Vallejo over a primer on plastic. Without primer? Oh yeah. I do have Mr Surfacer 1500 but have barely used it. Got it to fill in the rivets on the top of a Mustang's wings (and had to go with 500 to accomplish that!). 4
Peterpools Posted January 13, 2023 Posted January 13, 2023 Chris Black Primer looks perfect and smooth as silk. Working is sections surely was the right way to go as most of the spry booths as just too narrow for the bigger models. Geez, I' breaking out my Artograph 1530 when I build the Lancaster as my small paint booth will never work. The Cat's fine detail looks awesome for sure. Everyone has their own favorites when it comes to primers and I've settled on just two over the years: MRP Black or Gray Lacquer primer - lays down smooth as silk. Tamiya Gloss Black for the NMF base. I'm 100% positive the quality of the primer finish is not the primer as most are all excellent, it's the modeler's pre paint preparation and painting technique. You easily have your prep and technique down pat - just look at the results❗ 7 1
CANicoll Posted January 15, 2023 Author Posted January 15, 2023 Thanks Peter! Hopefully this update will be up to snuff! The instructions are very vague as to parts placement - kind of a 'it goes over there' kind of thing. But it rewards dry fitting! here is the IP in place. The 'wheels' are on a bar that actually moves forwards and backwards, which is very helpful when it comes time to put the pilots in their places. Also did a bit of panel-line wash on the interior bulkheads. Who knew there were seats on the bulkheads when the gunners were not manning their guns?? Also painted the shells brass and then highlight with a black wash. Should have done that a long time ago. However, the big task (no pun intended) was assembling the 26"/66 cm wing! It became immediately apparent that any wing work required clearing off the workbench. Amazingly, the fit of the FIVE wing panels is really good - tight and aligned, for the most part. Very large sprue attachment points. There is a pretty big gap at the wing tip to the float - on both ends of the wings. Tempting to get the razor saw out and cut off the floats, trim the offending pieces and reattach the floats. Working on the seams with my trusty IPMS UK seam scrapers (and the usual sanding sticks). Bottom view of the wing showing the two sections which join in the center, splitting where the fuselage pylon is. The top float's support is not painted yet (triangular shape). The starboard section of the wing is maybe 1mm off center for the pitot tube hole. Should be workable. Here is the top view showing the three pieces that make up the top of the wing. The center section contains the two engine bulges and extends to where the trailing edge angles towards the tip. The fit was terrific. For reference, the cutting mat is 16"/40.6cm wide! And with the 16" long fuselage Now the question is, chop the tail off now, before putting the fuselage together, or put the fuselage together and then chop off the tail? I'm thinking to put the fuselage together THEN chop the tail. Thoughts? 13 1
DocRob Posted January 15, 2023 Posted January 15, 2023 I agree with Hubert. Wow , what a great build. I love your interior work and hope the best for the fitting issues. I'm really eager to see, what you do about the black finish. For enhancing the panel lines, you can use light grey or even white panel liner or oil color. I never had the cojones to do an all black plane, but with the floats of my Hansa Brandenburg build, which are tar covered, I experimented with a double layer black approach. If I remember right, I used a shinier black as a base, than hairspray on top and then covered everything with matte black. After activating the hairspray with water, I removed the top coat with different tools and the areas of wear and contact were shinier afterwards, as they would be in reality. I also have a white wash for ships in my stash, but never used it. I will test it on my actual USS Arizona build to simulate salt residues, what may look good on your blackbird too. This was after the hairspray treatment: And finally this was the weathered result: Cheers Rob 10
CANicoll Posted January 15, 2023 Author Posted January 15, 2023 Thanks Hubert! Rob, amazingly, I was thinking of almost the same thing, but in reverse - highlighting with a gloss black. Your results look amazing, thanks for sharing. For some reason, I have not yet tried the hairspray technique yet. I have the AK Flexible airbrush stencils which is really tempting to try with a gray maybe? Worst case, I respray with black, or start with a gloss black and spray flat. I do have the MIG light wash so might give that a try too. So many options to try! 8
Peterpools Posted January 15, 2023 Posted January 15, 2023 Chris Looking awesome and your progress is amazing. The Big Cat surely is HUGE! I'm with Hubert and Rob option #2. BTW, great to see how clean. neat and organized your work bench remained - that's a science unto itself. . 4 1
DocRob Posted January 15, 2023 Posted January 15, 2023 On 1/15/2023 at 2:15 PM, CANicoll said: I have the AK Flexible airbrush stencils which is really tempting to try with a gray maybe? Worst case, I respray with black, or start with a gloss black and spray flat. I do have the MIG light wash so might give that a try too. So many options to try! Expand I used the same mask for the first time on my recently finished Corsair build for pre shading and liked working with it. I used metal sponge cleaners a lot before that and they have their advantages. You can tear them until you have the desired density, you can see individual panel while you spray for panel accentuation and you can work with them without touching the planes surface if desired ,so no bleeding can occur. The effect is not so harsh, so post shading is what it's best for. Cheers Rob 5
GazzaS Posted January 16, 2023 Posted January 16, 2023 Gonna be huge, Chris! I say #2 as well. The paint went down well and the office and surrounds look great! 6
CANicoll Posted January 17, 2023 Author Posted January 17, 2023 Thanks Gary! Ok, definitely going for option 2. Got the fuselage together and it mostly lines up pretty well. Once the clear parts are masked then they will get added and the final fuselage paint can be added. BUT, still have the waist guns to add and all of the figures (lots of painting there and tough to live up to @GazzaS fine work!). Not to mention, first comes adding the resin tail replacement. More to come on that later... A view into the cockpit And with the wing sitting on the pylon. Where to put this beast after it is done??? The diorama Peter suggested is a great idea, but still would be HUGE! Should have done a 1/72 set up to try it all out! Still a LOT of work to do. 14
GazzaS Posted January 17, 2023 Posted January 17, 2023 Too huge for a dio... unless you live alone. But looks great. 3 3
BlrwestSiR Posted January 17, 2023 Posted January 17, 2023 Chris, you might want to cut the tail off before you glue the clear parts on. That way, if any cutting dust gets inside, it won't collect on them and you'll be able to get them out. Other than that, you're making great progress. Carl 6
CANicoll Posted January 17, 2023 Author Posted January 17, 2023 Thanks, Kevin! Does feel good to get this beast moving, but now comes the hard part. Gary, I do, but you are right - I could turn a bedroom into the diorama! Carl, Yep, exactly right. The next step, after making sure the fuselage is together, is to cut off that tail. After eyeballing it last night I'm a little worried about fit so will break out the calipers this evening to make sure I know where to cut. There is a small voice inside my head that says "just keep going!". Must fight the voices!! 7
Peterpools Posted January 17, 2023 Posted January 17, 2023 On 1/17/2023 at 3:49 AM, CANicoll said: Thanks Gary! Ok, definitely going for option 2. Got the fuselage together and it mostly lines up pretty well. Once the clear parts are masked then they will get added and the final fuselage paint can be added. BUT, still have the waist guns to add and all of the figures (lots of painting there and tough to live up to @GazzaS fine work!). Not to mention, first comes adding the resin tail replacement. More to come on that later... A view into the cockpit And with the wing sitting on the pylon. Where to put this beast after it is done??? The diorama Peter suggested is a great idea, but still would be HUGE! Should have done a 1/72 set up to try it all out! Still a LOT of work to do. Expand Chris Some mighty fine progress on the Big Cat and the front office looks so good. Holy Smokes, how big is the Cat anyway? beware of those voices and keep to your plan - all will work out perfectly. I'm getting closer and closer to building the Border Lancaster and her overall dimensions are approx 24x38 - how does this compare to the Cat? Only way I can display the model when finished is to have a display case made just for the Lancaster and then build a shelf in my studio for the display case. Any ideas how you are going to display the model? 4
CANicoll Posted January 18, 2023 Author Posted January 18, 2023 On 1/17/2023 at 1:08 PM, Peterpools said: Chris Some mighty fine progress on the Big Cat and the front office looks so good. Holy Smokes, how big is the Cat anyway? beware of those voices and keep to your plan - all will work out perfectly. I'm getting closer and closer to building the Border Lancaster and her overall dimensions are approx 24x38 - how does this compare to the Cat? Only way I can display the model when finished is to have a display case made just for the Lancaster and then build a shelf in my studio for the display case. Any ideas how you are going to display the model? Expand Peter, No clue at the moment! However, hanging from the ceiling is definitely an option. 2
HubertB Posted January 18, 2023 Posted January 18, 2023 On 1/17/2023 at 4:55 AM, BlrwestSiR said: Chris, you might want to cut the tail off before you glue the clear parts on. That way, if any cutting dust gets inside, it won't collect on them and you'll be able to get them out. Other than that, you're making great progress. Carl Expand On 1/17/2023 at 12:30 PM, CANicoll said: Thanks, Kevin! Does feel good to get this beast moving, but now comes the hard part. Gary, I do, but you are right - I could turn a bedroom into the diorama! Carl, Yep, exactly right. The next step, after making sure the fuselage is together, is to cut off that tail. After eyeballing it last night I'm a little worried about fit so will break out the calipers this evening to make sure I know where to cut. There is a small voice inside my head that says "just keep going!". Must fight the voices!! Expand I was about to comment like Carl when I read his advice. So, I will just say « +1 ! » Hubert 4 1
Peterpools Posted January 18, 2023 Posted January 18, 2023 On 1/18/2023 at 4:24 PM, CANicoll said: Peter, No clue at the moment! However, hanging from the ceiling is definitely an option. Expand Chris Not a great option as it the Cat, especially with her huge wings becomes a dust collector and you can't see into the cockpit or the top of the model. But if it's the only option, then it's the only option. 2
HubertB Posted January 18, 2023 Posted January 18, 2023 On 1/18/2023 at 4:24 PM, CANicoll said: Peter, No clue at the moment! However, hanging from the ceiling is definitely an option. Expand Or paint a lagoon on the wall, with coconut trees, sand beach, coral reef, etc… and hang the Cat on the wall Hubert 2 3
CANicoll Posted January 19, 2023 Author Posted January 19, 2023 Peter, That is one of the reasons all of my models are behind glass. The dust really does bad things with finishes. Hubert and Carl - the plan was to cut the tail off and fit the new resin one today, but I got behind and after attaching the canopy and windscreen to the Voodoo, it got too late. Now waiting until I have the proper time to do the surgery. But definitely not attaching the clear parts just yet. In any event, they can be masked before being attached to keep progress moving forward. Keep the comments coming, guys, I appreciate it! Chris 3
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