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Playing in the Sandbox Group Build Sept 1, 2024 - Jn 1, 2025

Sick! Again!


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My wife went to the hospital for a female procedure....  and now she has covid.  After just getting over two time-lost illnesses, I really don;t need a third.  But here I am coughing my lungs out and sweating like a racehorse at the end of the race.  I doubt I'll be able to work tomorrow.  My ribs are already aching from the coughing.


Still negative on covid... 


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Bummer!  I was just thinking yesterday about my strange luck with health issues in the past year.   Wife came home with covid last Feb.  I sat next to her, slept next to her, rode with her in the car to get her tested.  Nothing on my end.  Been around family members with covid.  Nothing on my end.  Was getting tested monthly at work until I retired on April 15th.  

October rolls around and I was feeling pretty good after being on TRT. (Testosterone Replacement Therapy, injections, shooting’ up, taking the juice, ‘roid shots…) 

Got stupid and carried a garden sprayer around on my shoulder for a total of 3.5 miles of walking on October 25th.  Back problems started up.  Nothing severe, yet.  That week, go in for my physical.  Hemoglobin levels were high.  Doc tells me to lay off TRT. Man, that’s like taking candy from a baby!  That stuff made me feel 10-15 years younger. 

Back is slowly getting worse, not smart enough to tell myself to stop. Tuesday before Thanksgiving, I really messed it up when I climbed into my F-250 and drove to the dump.  Something was rubbing a nerve badly.  Potholes and bumps did me in. Got back home and it took me 40 min to get from my truck to the bed.  Loaded up on muscle relaxers and pain killers. Next 48 hours was hell.  Two weeks later, all good again. 

Last Thursday I was out doing yard work.  Cutting out and hauling off undergrowth around trees in the yard.  Nothing heavy.  Actually a good workout afterwards. I could feel it in my shoulders and upper back.  That night I decided to try out one of the delta 8 gummies my daughter gave me for Christmas.  I had tried them once before and it really relaxes your muscles while you sleep.  Will apparently I was too relaxed.  Slept very sound with my left leg in a bad position and hyperextended my knee. I’ve been limping and hardly able to walk since.  Slowly getting better.  

Went in yesterday for my follow up blood test. Hemoglobin is back down in a normal range.  Waiting to see if my doc clears me to start injections again.  Maybe at a lower dose and I’ll go donate blood on a regular basis as well.  

Growing old sucks and it’s not for the weak!  Now off to hobbling downstairs  to my bench to get back to work on the Seaview. Funny thing is, none of this crap happens to me while I’m building models.  I should stick to building models. 

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4 hours ago, GazzaS said:

My wife went to the hospital for a female procedure....  and now she has covid.  After just getting over two time-lost illnesses, I really don;t need a third.  But here I am coughing my lungs out and sweating like a racehorse at the end of the race.  I doubt I'll be able to work tomorrow.  My ribs are already aching from 

Gaz, hope your wife recovers very soon. As for you young man, let’s hope the test stays negative. Get well soon……

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1 hour ago, smitty44 said:

All the otger bugs are jealous of covids popularity and have come raging back with a vengeance 

No kidding. Flu was bad this year.  At one point, 1/3 of my youngest's classmates were home with the flu. Thankfully we'd gotten their flu shots so they dodged that bullet. 

2 hours ago, ScottsGT said:

Funny thing is, none of this crap happens to me while I’m building models.  I should stick to building models. 

I should use this with Sue when she asks me to do any manual labour. Mind you, she'd probably cuff me up the head and make me do it anyways. 

As for you Gary, keep the defense up and stay healthy. Hope your wife recovers quickly too.

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6 hours ago, GazzaS said:

My wife went to the hospital for a female procedure....  and now she has covid.  After just getting over two time-lost illnesses, I really don;t need a third.  But here I am coughing my lungs out and sweating like a racehorse at the end of the race.  I doubt I'll be able to work tomorrow.  My ribs are already aching from the coughing.


Still negative on covid... 


I hope you get better soon Gaz! Being sick sucks!!! :)

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Joy and I had Covid a year ago today. Other than that it lingered and I was weak for months afterwards, it was just like a bad cold. With my co morbidities, and my wife’s lupus, it was a concern. My Doc is from Uruguay and worked with Mèdicins sans Frontiéres in poor Nations for many years, and believes fully in the use of cheap, easily accessible medication, so away we went with Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquin. My wife uses the Hydroxychloroquin for her Lupus, and we have Ivermectin on the ranch.  We took them, along with cold meds and hot toddies at night. 
My Doc implored us to NOT sleep on my back, because he didn’t want to give it more chances to get into and take root in my lungs.  
We both came through great. Her Lupus was a non event. 
Flu shots don’t work for me. Everytime I get one, I get deathly ill with pneumonia.
Praying for y’all’s quick recovery, Gary. 

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4 hours ago, ScottsGT said:


Growing old sucks and it’s not for the weak!  

The main problem with getting old is that stiffness shifts places in the body … from where it’s wanted to where it’s not wanted 😉


And Gary, take care. I am afraid we are entering an era where we will have to cope with regular returns of Covid, just like we have colds and the flu coming back every year. Not a funny perspective ☹️


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Thank you for your kind and thoughtful replies.  I drank two large glasses of orange juice and ate some some chocolate which fuelled some fever activity through the night.  I spent 12 hours in bed...   minus piss calls and nasal spray.  I never spend 12 hours in bed...   usually 6-7.


I think I got it out of my chest.  But it's still in my head.  And I'm out of sick days.  So no pay for today.   ...and I still don't have Covid.

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