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Playing in the Sandbox Group Build Sept 1, 2024 - Jn 1, 2025

Hobbycraft Mustang

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My plan is to "convert" this USAAF P-51 to a RAF Mustang I. It won't involve a LOT of adjustments but one is replacing the poor kit exhausts with some from my spares stash. Other improvements will be to replace the wing cannons with some very nice Master Model items (coming from SB) and replacing the wheels with some Tamiya P-51 items. The main thing though will be the Vector cockpit interior set. Should make a nice looking model! :)



2-19-23 001.jpg

2-19-23 002.jpg



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3 minutes ago, Peterpools said:


Going to be an epic build of a P-51 variant we don't often see. Looking forward to following your progress.

The vector cockpit set looks excellent.



Should be a enjoyable build Peter. I've used Vector cockpit sets in 3 other Hobbycraft P-51 builds and it really enhances the models "look". Stay tuned! :)

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20 minutes ago, Clunkmeister said:

What I love about these early Mustangs is how they were used right up to the moment they literally fell apart. There are plenty of pictures out there of some very beat up aircraft. 

Yes indeed Ernie. Some pretty ratty ones for sure. This won't be one of them though. LOL :)

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1 hour ago, BlrwestSiR said:

Like Peter said, a rarely seen variant so it'll be great to watch. 

Should be a interesting build Carl. I'm in the middle of the Vector cockpit right now which will add a lot to the finished model. :)

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6 minutes ago, Peterpools said:


Nice work on the front office - looking real good.



Thank you Peter. Still a ways to go on that. More "adjustments" and touchups. I'm going through my left overs boxes trying to find something that would be a suitable stand in for a recon camera. No luck so far.

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40 minutes ago, Spitfire said:

Coming along nicely, I've always wanted to build an RAF early mustang, but as usual too little time too many kits.



I understand that Dennis. The HC early Mustang kits have gotten hard to find with some folks asking ridiculous prices for them. 🤪

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Seams to be the way of ebay these days. I've often seen, new kits still available from the normal online venders being also offered on ebay for insane prices. These days I only resort to ebay when I need something but will not pay over what I feel is a FAIR price.

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28 minutes ago, MikeCharlie said:

Sorry to be be picky, but that's a Mustang Mk Ia with the 20mms - there was no direct US equivalent to the Mustang Mk I.  (Yes I know it's confusing, especially as the FR equivalent of the P-51/Mustang Ia is the F-6A.)

No comment......😐

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Making some progress today. Cobbled together a "camera" using several pieces found in my "scrap spares" box. None of it related to a camera! LOL :) You will notice it is facing to starboard whereas others you see face to port. Obviously a test setup.

2-23-23 001.jpg


Mustang_FD474 3.jpg

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