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Playing in the Sandbox Group Build Sept 1, 2024 - Jn 1, 2025

Meng 1/35 AH-64D Saraf: update: 10/5/24: The T700 GE Engines and Electronic Bays Done

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After plugging way for a good two or three weeks on the SH Mystere, for the time being, I just lost my enthusiasm to work on the kit – mainly due to fit issues with the three part fuselage. My initial GB entry was going to be the Meng AH-64D Saraf and I decided to go back to that plan.

I started working on the front office by building up all the various sub-assemblies and after test fitting the office, I planned on starting the painting process. A few details held me back:

I wasn’t so sure the instructions' painting guide was correct as I had a hard time finding detailed photographs of the IAF Saraf’s cockpit to go by - problem now solved.

I also wasn’t happy about the exterior color callouts as the paints chosen in the instructions are from the Meng Line of paints (acrylics) and online searching showed they are AK paints (?). FS numbers were all over the place from other builds as well.

Lastly, the beautiful color painting guide was a bit hard to follow to my eyes and the aircraft shown on each side of the large four view painting guide, looked to be exactly the same (?).

I bit the bullet ordered the AH-64 A/D Peten and Saraf in IAF Service book by IsraDecal. WOW, the book arrived today, a gold mine of incredible, all color photographs and equal to their F-16I Sufa book in every way.

I also ordered the Hataka IAF Helicopter Lacquer paint set and it’s on the way as well.  

Research shows the exterior colors are not the same FS numbers (colors) as the current IAF Fighters.

The correct Helicopter FS colors as per the IsraDecal Book:

FS30219 Dark Tan

FS33448 Stone Yellow (Dark Yellow)

FS36492 Light Gray

While the instructions call out for flat black for the entire interior, a quick look at the photographs in the IsraDecal book, using a very dark gray (Nato Black or Rubber Black) would be a much better scale color. There are also different shades of gray used in the front office, which was overlooked by Meng’s instructions.

I have the two Quinta 3D detail sets for the Saraf and they look fantastic. Only detail I found that appears to be incorrect are the lap belts, easily corrected.  

Friday starts the front office painting and I’ll take a few photographs of the test fitted front office before hitting the paint booth.  







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Going to be big when it's done . I've avoided helicopters bigger than 1/72 up to now ...hopefully I'll get some inspiration from your build to face up to my rotorphobia :)

PS I've built a few MENG models , poor fit is something they don't have issues with IMHO .


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Right with you. I have a few IsraDecal books and they are a gold mine of information and close to the equal of the Daco Books. Color photographs are super sharp and highlight all the details I was looking for.

I've used Hataka lacquers a few times and was very pleased with them, I'll make sure I give my opinion of the IAF Helicopter set as I start using them.  



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Yup, the Saraf is BIG and she looks awesome. Going to keep the rotor assembly removable for display if need be.

The only other Meng kit I've built was their 1/24 GT40 and if I remember correctly, there was some fit issues and the instructions did leave a lot to be desired. So far the Saraf has been nice sailing with just a few part orientation issues as the instructions aren't that clear in places.



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Looking forward to this Peter. I have the Takom kit in the stash that I got from you. It'll be nice to see the comparison between the two. 

Watch the fit of the canopy. Some have said it's a bit short but that may be operator error. 

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So glad you are on board for the journey and I'm sure I will be buying a few more AH-64, including another Tokan kit as well. Since then, I have had the helicopter bug bite and am pretty excited about building them at this stage of the game.

I've also read and even seen a few photographs of the canopy issue and hoping Meng corrected it but I doubt it. Just have to see how it goes and at worse the two options might be:

Building up the fuselage to remove the gap

Maybe have the canopy open if that's an option or not.



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Finally, the AH-64 A/D Peten and Saraf in IAF Service by IsraDecal reference book arrived and early this morning the Hataka lacquer paint set for IAF Helicopters was delivered. I was good to go.

While I was waiting for the last of the necessary items, I decided to start working on the front office by assembling all the numerous sub-assemblies – and every part of the Office is a sub assembly.

As the photos show, part and assembly fit is quite good and now with the IsraDecal Book in hand, it’s off to the paint booth for priming and then substituting a very dark gray for the flat black - just a better scale effect and even in the book, the flat black has a gray tone to it. Once the interior base color has dried, it’s time to add all the Quinta details and the balance of the kit cockpit details. When I had reached the point, of being ready for the spray booth paint ,as I couldn't proceed any further with the cockpit until the IsraDecal book arrived, I started working on the rotor shaft assembly. Waiting proved to be the right choice as some of the colors in the instructions will need to be modified.

The Saraf is BIG and no time like the present to drill out all the holes this version requires, clean up the fret attachment points and do a test fit: here again, the fit seems to be really good and surely hope it stays this way.








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  • Peterpools changed the title to Meng 1/35 AH-64D Saraf: update: 9/13/24: Starting the Front Office

Thanks Mike so much and we have our fingers crossed.

I haven't had much bench time this past week but I'm almost ready now for priming and painting the front office and the basic structural rotor assembly, as I've completed the build through step ten in the instructions. I am amazed at how nicely the kit is details. with enough to look quite busy. Hoping to make some nice progress this week and do at least one update.



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Thanks Kev

I was very pleased to see how clean the castings were with only slight mold lines which took nothing to clean up. Plastic is soft and even Tamiya Extra Thin eats into it right quickly, needing a bit more care.


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I lost track of the hours I spent on the front office and no doubt one of the most detailed OOB cockpits I’ve built over the years.  Thank goodness my IsraDecal reference book arrived in time as it helped answer so many questions including how and exactly where the Quinta Details should be.

Reference photographs show that the top side console black finish is much darked then the basic cockpit black and even a bit more on the glossy side.

The front office was Tamiya NATO Black Lacquer PL-10 over MRP Gray Primer. Details were dry brushed with Tamiya XF-54 Dark Sea Gray to highlight the details as I wanted to avoid the edges being too stark. The sidewall and rear bulkhead padding/insulation were given depth and definition with three separate washes: Tamiya Dark Gray, Black and lastly Mig Stone Gray for black, yielding a much different shade and texture then the base cockpit black and a bit of a weathered feel.     

I’ve always used Micro Kristal Klear to glue on the Quinta details since I started using them when Quinta first came onto the market and this time decided to try using Flexy 5KCA Black slow setting CA for a good number of the Quinta decals to see the difference. It worked OK but I went back to Micro’s Kristal Klear and even some good old white glue, which for me, was a much better option. I still have a second set of Quinta Details for the front electronic bay and I’ll see how that goes down the road.

Seatbelts and cushions where back up to Quintas usual high standard.

Still have a number of assemblies to build and paint before I can close up the Saraf fuselage:

One of the major areas that needs to be painted and slightly weathered is the area behind the cockpit which houses the main rotor shaft assembly. While the floor and assembly are called out to be painted “Steel”, I’m taking that rather loosely and will find a shade that corresponds to the colors in the IsraDecal Book. The inside fuselage walls seem to be painted yellow chromate and that’s the plan right now. So little will be seen once everything is closed up but I want to get it as correct as I can.

Care needs to be taken as the book covers both the Peten an AH-64A and the AH-64D Saraf.








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  • Peterpools changed the title to Meng 1/35 AH-64D Saraf: update: 9/18/24: The Front Office Done

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