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Playing in the Sandbox Group Build Sept 1, 2024 - Jn 1, 2025

HK Models 1/32nd scale B-17G

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HK Models 1/32nd scale Boeing B-17G Flying Fortress


This model represents ‘Skipper’; a Douglas-built B-17G 42-238129 assigned to the 367th Bomb Squadron, 306th Bomb Group, based at Thurleigh.


This aircraft was one of 234 built by Douglas that had both staggered waist gun positions as well as the factory-fitted Cheyenne tail turret, and were delivered in camouflage finish. This particular aircraft entered service on 25th February 1944, and was still on strength with the 306th on VE-Day. The replacement natural metal starboard stabiliser, fin centre-section, both elevators and tail turret were necessary after the bomber was rammed from behind in a taxiing accident at Thurleigh in November 1944. After repair, ‘Skipper’ went on to complete over 100 missions.


After hostilities ended, this veteran was transferred to the 398th BG at Nuthampsted on 28th May 1945, before flying back ‘across the pond’ in January 1945 where it resided at Kingman before succumbing to scrap man’s torch on 28th December of the same year.


This model has been built more or less out of the box, with only very minor additions. I made the small 'ice windows' on the pilots' windscreens from careful masking and Archer rivets. Aftermarket seat-belts came from Eduard, and a few additional details were added here and there from Evergreen strip where I felt them necessary, such as under the flightdeck floor. I used Eduard’s exterior set which provided some vents and grills omitted by HK, as well as more detailed fuel filler caps. I didn’t use any interior sets, as I felt that the kit parts were perfectly adequate when painted up, and Eduard have used ‘standard’ US interior green on components rather than ‘bronze green’ used on the B-17. I sprayed on the bomb group markings myself, and used the kit decals for the ‘stars and bars’ etc. The ‘Skipper’ name was printed for me, and I used KitWorld’s excellent stencil set. All paints were from Hannants’ Xtracolour range.


All in all a very straightforward and enjoyable build… although it’s an expensive model, if you’re a fan of the B-17 it’s a ‘must have’ kit. Was it worth the money? Roll on the B-17F version would be my answer to that!




















More detail pictures to follow...

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Phenomenal! I think this is the first one I've seen completed on this forum. Very well done and I think the degree of weathering you did is spot on.





Thank you Wayne... I must confess I'm of the 'less is more' mould when it comes to weathering. I'm not particularly good at it either so this was about the limit of what my skills allow me to do.


Hey Tom, great job on the kit.  For all the kits shortcomings, you've managed to pull off an exceptionally well rendered miniature.  Hats off!




Cheers Tim - I think that somehow the OD/NG paint makes the issues with the kit less obvious. Maybe it's the lack of reflection off any NMF areas, but it certainly looks a lot more 'right' to my eye than aluminium finished examples I've seen. Or maybe it's just me?


Gorgeous. Have you fathomed where you'll put it yet?


A good question... and the answer is a resounding 'no'. It is currently residing on a spare bed in our spare room along with a 1/32nd B-29, 1/32nd Lancaster, a part built 1/32nd Halifax, and a 1/72nd Boeing 747. The wife is starting to get a little touchy about it all - I think she's being very unreasonable  :D


The truth is in the long term some of these monsters will go out on loan to museums - I already have a 1/32nd B-24 at a museum at Bungay where the real aircraft I depicted was based during WWII.


I love building these huge models, but storing them is certainly causing some headaches, but to be fair my wife is very understanding when it comes to my hobby. When I start my 1/32nd Sunderland though... I might end up living in it!



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Beautiful work! I have to agree with you about the OD/NG finish, Tom. It just "looks right". I have yet to start mine, but at least I've got the display part taken care of. My garage is in the construction stages of becomiing my "man cave". Besides housing my workbench and various shelves, it will also house my HO model railroad. While planning the layout, I've designed an area under it that will be display shelves for my aircraft. They'll be deep enough to house this beast and the B-25H.


I agree with the weathering. I think it looks just right. Used, yet well maintained. Love the subtle color shifts in your OD!

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