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The Great LSM Twins Group Build ends Aug 31, 2024 ×

HK Models Meteor F 4 RNethAF

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Here she is.
Built using the new HK Models Meteor F 4. I built it out of the box
Apart from adding an Eduard seatbelt set from the spares box. I sanded the outboard
Leading edges quite a bit as I felt them to be a bit blunt. It's a great kit, as well as
Big and heavy with the weight provided. The gun sight could do with a replacement
Though as it's open at the front. The intakes are bare which I lined with aluminium
From a beercan and suitably rivetted.
I used the Dutch Decals sheet which has recently been released. Thanks to Luuk Boerman
for the sample. A review will appear soon on LSM.
Most pics were taken before I added the red nosetip as well as sone chipped paint from
The intake rims representing the wooden surface to show through.


Link to the build : http://forum.largescalemodeller.com/topic/2168-dutch-meteor-mk-4/

Hope you like it













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Thanks chaps,

Will insert linky to the build later ( don't know how to do that on the Ipad).

Just dark dirt and black Flory wash. I really love the stuff. Even months

After applying you can still control how much you want to to wipe off as

It's clay based.

Ask me how I know (Jeroen, does Wimpy ring a bell?)

The surface needs to be gloss though otherwise it messes up the

Paint finish.


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Superb Cees!! I love this one - an iconic aircraft beautifully built and finished.


I think it's a great kit too and I agree about Flory's washes - they're easy to use and you can achieve some super results with them.

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