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The Great LSM Twins Group Build ends Aug 31, 2024 ×

Trumpy TBM

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Ok,I have "lurked" since James did such a wonderful job creating this site.I have to thank Grant ,the all round "good egg"..."Woot " Lovett,for pulling me in.I  don't know where to start? The Dutch guys.Alex and Bertl.....Doogs.Martin and co waving a flag for the UK.Thank you.I hit modeling seizure watching genius..........Now for all you mortal modelers....I gave it another go..........I was not aiming at accuracy,rather playing with wires,and generally making things busy,if you like,a practice run,leading to I know not where I will find my comfort level.......It has become fun again,not to mention a huge learning curve.So,starting with the obligatory Box 'n Bits,here goes.TBM041_zps4de87333.jpgTBMINT002_zps2bfb3565.jpgTBMINT016_zps8adeefd3.jpgTBMINT011_zps3d68e61b.jpgTBMINT006_zps24c9fc21.jpgTBMINT004_zps63e38fe7.jpg

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Nice Guy!  You need not worry about what others think.  Your having fun!  Thats all that matters in the grand scheme of it.  I was told a few times back in the nineties that my models were ugly.  It was a modeling club that i stayed in for years.  I didnt care because I knew that each model I was learning something.  In fact, I built a model with a specific technique in mind.  I didnt worry about anything else, like i didnt care about the finishing touches of the paint if i were buiding it to learn say...scribing lines or putting rivets, etc.  I built a lot of 1/72 scale though so it wasnt as expensive!  It was nice when i won first place with one after all of that "anguish" if you will.  Everyone was very happy for me.  


Your model looks great and it a pleasure knowing you are having fun doing it!  Kepp it up and post often!


:D  :D  :D

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Well, well, well !!  This is an excellent start (even for an Old Felstedian :) )

I'm definitely going to watch this Guy, you've got a great subject going and with plenty of talent to make it into a superb model.


If I can do anything to help then, you know, you only need to ask.  Keep it up!!

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Off to a great start! I quite like the TBD from an interior detail aspect, and you proved this could be something I look at in future. Can't wait for next updates. PLEASE post more of your work here too ;)

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Wonderful cockpit & engine detail, Guy! I have to echo what Johnathan Reed said about clubs. Had a few run-ins with some "mega rivet counters" that left me quite irritated to say the least. Sadly, it wasn't just models, but model railroad clubs as well. One of the many reasons I like these forums.


I especially like the radio wiring you've done. Very clever!


Can't wait for more pictures!

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  • 2 weeks later...

OK,time for a bit more. Getting close to closing up. Had to remove engine and brackets to resolve the fit issue.All should be ok though,as the firewall fits directly to the fuselage with a convenient "lip" I will however have to sand the engine down,to "stuff it" in the cowl. Although I have nothing other than a sheet and a desk lamp as my "photo booth",I hope that by playing with the insides of the camera,photo quality has improved.Anyway,here she is,getting close to hiding it all!Dash4_zps5e116d6b.jpgRG_zpsd0915ff9.jpgMoreTBM008_zps5c2bfe41.jpgdash_zps0fe7a99f.jpgMoreTBM004_zpsa6519a50.jpgSideon_zps861333f9.jpg

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