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Hello All,


I am currently to the painting stage on my Hase 109G-6. I have had this in the stash for an age (i.e., since it was released). I decided to finally build it, not only because I was in the mood for a fairly simple project but if I build this one THEN I can justify buying the new Revell kit ;)


Since this particular aircraft is very well documented, I looked around the net and found this very good profile (which also seems to closely match actual photographs of the plane itself)


Paints are Gunze aqueous and Tamiya, both thinned with "Mr. Leveling Thinner", which is really great stuff! I've never used it before and am both happy and impressed with the result.




And here is my progress so far. The mottling, as usual, will require a bit of editing/toning down/addition/subtraction. Weathering and post-shading are yet to come.












Hopefully, I will finish her up this weekend. Thanks for looking!





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Evening All,


I have 'edited" the mottling, and I think it now bears a much closer resemblance to the reference profile. I have also applied a bit of Tamiya "Smoke" around the exhaust/wing root, although I will need to enhance that a bit more, perhaps with a mix of thinned black and brown Tamiya paint. I have also done a bit of post-shading on the panel lines.


I have also laid down a coat of Future. A wash in the panel lines and decals are next up on the agenda, hopefully tomorrow night or Friday.


Thanks for looking,and of course as always comments welcome!!







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Hey Folks!


Thanks for all the kind words! As is often the case, life intervened over the weekend but I did get some of the decals on last night. I was rather pleasantly surprised by the kit decals (so far). The upper wing crosses were thin, almost to the point of fragility. I did have a minor nervous fit (a "come apart" as we say here in the South) when appling Micro-Sol; the crosses drew themselves up into  wrinkled messes that I thought could not POSSIBLY settle back down onto the surface. But, rather remarkably, they did snuggle down beautifully, to the point that the carrier film is now (almost) invisible, having quite literally melted into the Future gloss coat.


To address a few previous comments... ;)


"Nice painting skills there. Was the tail wheel strut that tall on that model 109?"


Yes, a very rare field modification, never photographed but alleged for years. With steel in short supply but toothpicks plentiful and classified as a non-strategic material, this seemed a logical solution at the time. However, the toothpicks were unable to withstand the rigors of improvised Eastern front airffields and this modification soon fell into disfavor.


"Good looking paintwork!! Love the bit of patchiness in the colors. Brings life to those drab camouflage colors!"


I (shamelessly) copied the brilliant technique delineated at the link below. It does indeed make the camo much, much more visually interesting and also captures the inconsistent application of paint captured in many photos of Luftwaffe aircraft, particularly mid - to - late war. Many many thanks to Rieser for sharing the technique via the build- in - progress tutorial!





I (plan) to get a bit more decaling done this week.





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