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  • 2 weeks later...

I've just relieved Grant of some kits:






And for the Spit I have the Aussie Have-A-Go-Jo markings on the way. Did someone mention Pacific War GB?



  • Like 2

Sealmodel is what used to be ericcymodel right? What they like to deal with and did you get stung for customs charges? Looking at the Marines F-4J myself.


Will probably do this one gear up, in flight pose using the stand; as such maybe a Barracuda seat and an Eduard IP but that's probably it I think.

The mrs has chosen the scheme - it'll be a Czech pilot - so will actually get some modelling as soon as I break the back of my review stuff.



Correct - Seal is same guy as EricYY, just new name, revamped website.

He has shipping calculator which is good, and takes PayPal.

Once you order, he will send email asking your customs declaration wishes etc, and then email a PayPal invoice I think.

My transaction went v smooth and a Spit IXc for £71 is awesome value.

They have the Tamiya Zero for like £50 inc airmail shipping...

Parcel arrived with no price info on the front at all so the thieving scumbags at the Post Office don't get to stick their beaks in!

Deal with confidence.






Will probably do this one gear up, in flight pose using the stand; as such maybe a Barracuda seat and an Eduard IP but that's probably it I think.

The mrs has chosen the scheme - it'll be a Czech pilot - so will actually get some modelling as soon as I break the back of my review stuff.



Correct - Seal is same guy as EricYY, just new name, revamped website.

He has shipping calculator which is good, and takes PayPal.

Once you order, he will send email asking your customs declaration wishes etc, and then email a PayPal invoice I think.

My transaction went v smooth and a Spit IXc for £71 is awesome value.

They have the Tamiya Zero for like £50 inc airmail shipping...

Parcel arrived with no price info on the front at all so the thieving scumbags at the Post Office don't get to stick their beaks in!

Deal with confidence.




Thanks for clearing that up Nick, I had somehow managed to miss the big bit on his home page about him being ericyymodel. Got a Zero in the other month when I ordered the P-40N from HLJ and miracle of miracles the big box they came in got past customs with no charge. Every box I've ever had from HLJ has been stopped before, but my thinking was even with their fees I'd still be coming out about £60 better off than if I'd bought in the UK. Will be placing an order for the Marines F-4J on payday, can see the F-16 following not far behind too.


Well, it's not 1/32 (1/48), but Matt's review here made me buy it, so I'm posting anyway... just got a GWH Mig29, and wow is it good.


Postman brought a Trumpeter Bearcat for me today, and a MDC Typhoon has been ordered.

Looking forward to it too.



Hasegawa 1/16 Camel F.1 arrived in the mail yesterday! Woohoo! Had to pay €31,- for VAT and handling to the postman though... :(

The drawback of ordering from HLJ...


I too received my 1/16th Camel from HLJ with a whopping great big £22 bill from Customs and Excise + £13.00 "Clearance Fee" from ParcelForce !!!  (Arrived last week but I forgot to post it here!)


Why am I buying Retail ????




Thanks for clearing that up Nick, I had somehow managed to miss the big bit on his home page about him being ericyymodel. Got a Zero in the other month when I ordered the P-40N from HLJ and miracle of miracles the big box they came in got past customs with no charge. Every box I've ever had from HLJ has been stopped before, but my thinking was even with their fees I'd still be coming out about £60 better off than if I'd bought in the UK. Will be placing an order for the Marines F-4J on payday, can see the F-16 following not far behind too.


If you're interested in the Tamiya Marine F-4J Phantom II then I have one on my site which, with the LSM Membership discount brings it down further and I'll throw in the postage and packing charge as well (if you're in the UK). 


To go with my 1/16 Hasegawa Camel, which was delivered last week, I finally found the 1/8 Hasegawa Clerget engine I have been looking for. On Ebay. it cost me $44US with shipping. I bought the 110hp LeRhone (Oberursel UII) a month or so ago and I was so impressed with the molding I want to get them all. Detail on these is excellent, no flash and the cylinders line up perfectly with little to no rework. I have the Williams Brothers 1/8 LeRhone and after building their Wasp I know I am in for a lot of work to clean up that kit. I have decided to show these engines with the aircraft they were installed in.




If you're interested in the Tamiya Marine F-4J Phantom II then I have one on my site which, with the LSM Membership discount brings it down further and I'll throw in the postage and packing charge as well (if you're in the UK). 


Thats a really kind offer Grant, yes I'm in the UK but I've already placed my order elsewhere. It's also the VMFA 333 boxing I'm after as it comes with bombs and the MERS I'll be needing for the planned project. 



sorry for your financial pain :o ...  :( ...  :angry:

once again an example of why LuckyModel, Seal Model and co are getting business: I will avoid tax if I can, but I don't necessarily disagree in principle with paying it in this case, but what i really object to is the thievery  :2guns:  going on with that "handling charge", and i will do  :censored: everything in my power to avoid it 

rant mode now switched *off*



I must admit that you guys in the UK and Europe have it rough! At lease in NZ we get a $400 (including Shipping) buffer till we get hit with Taxes


Mdc Typhoon arrived yesterday, quality control was good, no fuselage halves with different lenghts.

Very happy with it.


  • Like 1

I received my Hasegawa 1/16 Sopwith Camel on Thursday as well. I didn't have to pay any taxes or VAT or anything because I live in Australia. As Dave mentioned, our Kiwi friends are also similarly blessed (I guess there are some advantages living "Down Under" [though we probably pay more for postage!])


I've been buying aftermarket stuff lately. Griffon Models etch set for a schnellboot in 1/72 which I plan to use for U-flak 1, some 20mm cannons for a spitfire in 1/32 and 1/48, some 1/32 IJA seat belts, 1/35 decals for Finnish T-34's and some turned barrels for the Prinz Eugen in 1/350 to replace the pretty average ones in the Trumpeter box.


Nothing as exciting as Franks F4U's or Silverado....


Just some Quickboost Exhausts to finish the Mk.VIII Spit as I seemed to lose a couple somewhere!




Arrived this morning, from Sealmodel in what was probably the best packed box I've ever received. This was a test order really to see if I'd get stung at customs. Package got through no problem and in very good time, 5 days from Hong Kong to North Wales, I've had things float around the customs hub for 2-3 weeks before now.

The Phantom will be done in the box scheme with CAM Pro stencils and Yellow Hammer decals for VFMA 333 going to collecting more aftermarket over the coming months for it. Other stuff is some Tamiya tape thats a fraction of the price it is here, some swabs and some mr color Mitsubishi cockpit green and cowling black for my upcoming Zero and the cockpit color set.




Picked up the old Hasegawa Spitfire Mk Vb in 1/32 second hand so I can take the De Havilland prop and spinner out along with the internally armoured windscreen for the Hobby Boss kit. I picked the HB kit up for 30% off, so I kept to my own rule of never paying retail for Hobby Boss or Trumpeter models again.

  • 2 weeks later...

Thinks to Mike (Serian01) I got a couple of OOP Cutting Edge sets for the A-10!




and some 109 bits and pieces...



  • Like 1

Thinks to Mike (Serian01) I got a couple of OOP Cutting Edge sets for the A-10!








Oh man, you lucky dog!

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