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  • 3 weeks later...

Today is the day. I'm officially going to call this build done! For the past one and a half year this build was in my mind. Lot's of fun, a lot of learning and a few mistakes made this a very rewarding experience. I couldn't wait to share some pictures with you guys so that's what I'm going to do. Maybe I'll write a little longer piece in the near future, but for now I'll let the pictures do the talking.




Cheers, Wouter





















  • Like 2

Very nice Wouter, lovely work on an interesting subject. The mottling is beautifully subtle.


Never quite understood the rear-firing barbettes on these things - just seems like a good way to shoot your own tail off if you get it wrong!




Fantastic result Wouter! Although the standout for me is that amazing cockpit, all that extra work has really made it a thing of beauty.




Cheers Bevan


Thanks everyone! Though it was originally a wip on the LSP forums I'm still glad I got the support from here. I have to admit the one thing I'm not really happy with is the clearness of the canopy. I've tried several methods: Future, Parketlak, and Gunze clear topcoat, but I found none satisfactory. I know it's just me and not the products, so I still suck at this part. I should really meet with some of our Dutch members and ask/see how they do it  


Oh, and if one of the moderators could shift the pictures and following posts to the 'finished work' section... I published to fast, happy with the completion. But finished work should be in the finished section right?


Cheers, Wouter

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