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That's what my wife said  :D  "Ba-boom ching !"............. but thanks Ralph, yeah, hopefully I'll have less trouble with the Quickboost replacement.

How's the P-51 going ?

  • Like 1
  • 3 weeks later...

Thanks Mish, I'm working on the fitting the Quickboost cowl at the moment and it seems to be coming along nicely. Other than that life is a bitt demanding at the moment so sorry for the lack of updates.




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Coming along nicely, Peter!  The fit on my EagleParts upper cowl was so-so, and as you noted the detail is a little soft.  Interested to see of you have the same issues with the QB part that Ralph encountered.


Thanks Mikester, yes I've encountered most of the same fit issues as Ralph. In all honesty mine wasn't that bad really - just a few plastic strip shims with CA and accelerator then file, sand and polish where appropriate.


I definately think the Quickboost part is the better solution if the Hasegawa cowl shape if it bothers you.


I'll have to put some WIP pics up soon but I've run out of space with photobucket and I'm wondering if its worth switching to a different image hoster.....Can anyone recomend one?



  • 2 months later...

Hi folks, I must apologise for the lack of updates on this build, life throws you in the back seat a bit at times. I did get that cowl to fit BTW and its almost ready for paint.


Thanks for your interest,



  • Like 3
  • 3 weeks later...

Cowl on ! It needed a bit of shimming and some filler but now It looks like it should fit the bill.


27545469446_6ca46a66e4_b.jpgDSC_0819 by Peter Olsen, on Flickr


I used plastic strip to shim in the gaps and I attached them with CA glue and accelerator. Then, all that was needed was some careful sanding with a file and fine grit sandpaper to make the cowl fit perfectly.


26971021363_b9d9591c1e_b.jpgDSC_0818 by Peter Olsen, on Flickr


I also purchased Quickboost's supercharger air scoop but it looks a little undersized so I'll stick with the kit one instead.


27302861650_05f246421b_b.jpgDSC_0816 by Peter Olsen, on Flickr


Thanks for looking,



  • Like 2

Thanks guys for following along, I appreciate it. Things are pretty full on for me at the moment so bear with me, I'll update when I can.


I just have to clean up a few more seams and random spots around the airframe, add a few missing rivets here and there; mask and attach the canopy and........ it will be ready for paint.

  • 1 month later...

Something to keep things rollin' along a bit. Painted with my own 'off black' mix of Tamiya and Gunze acrylics and weathered with Burnt Sienna and Lamp black artist oils. I also applied some highly thinned dustings of Tamiya Buff. quite simple wheely.........ah really.  :)


27817275554_1af9726600_b.jpgDSC_0841 by Peter Olsen, on Flickr


28151137380_54b1260bb8_b.jpgDSC_0844 by Peter Olsen, on Flickr

  • Like 4

Thanks guys.

Sorry Bevan, you'll have to be patient, I've got a heck of alot going on at the moment. My scheme choice is "White 7"

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  • 1 year later...

Hi folks, its been a while but I've got some paint on now. I chose " White 7" of JG 51 and my main inspiration was the black and white picture and the colour profile in the JaPo camouflage and marking book, page 361. I found it quite interesting that they suggested the possibility of a RLM 76/83 finish on the wing upper surfaces. looking at the existing photograph of this machine there is a small section of the upper wing surface that's visible along the leading edge. I'm not sure if its just the way the sunlight was hitting it or the way the photo turned out or the possibility of a high contrast scheme. While the Jerry Crandall book suggests 75/74 or 75/83 amongst other possibilities; I thought 76/83 would be quite a unique looking finish and since there is evidence of other  FW 190 d-9's in these colours I decided to run with it. :poo:


I used Gunze acrylics  for all of the airframe airframe colours except for the mottling on the fuselage which was my own custom mix of Testors and Humbrol enamel paints. I find that I can get enamels to spray much finer then acrylics.


36356827605_6386190f83_b.jpgDSC_1021 by Peter Olsen, on Flickr


Here's a shot of the underside and you can see that I've started weathering in selected areas, whilst other panels such as forward of the wheel bay are still waiting to receive treatment. There is still a lot of work to be done and I haven't even started on the top side weathering yet. :construction:


36220280681_f6c517e276_b.jpgDSC_0844 by Peter Olsen, on Flickr


Thanks for looking everyone, I would love to post some more pics but unfortunately for the time being I'm saving this model for publication. Actually, I'm in the process of writing my own book so all my techniques and info on this model will be available sometime in the future. I would love you to pick up a copy when its available.


Ok, see you later !

Happy modelling,

Cheers Peter. :piliot:


  • Like 8
  • 1 month later...
  • 4 weeks later...

I'm waiting on some replacement parts as both my airbrushes are out of action plus I have alot on my plate at the moment but I'll update when I can.

  • Like 3
  • 1 year later...

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