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Playing in the Sandbox Group Build Sept 1, 2024 - Jn 1, 2025

1/32 Curtis P-40 production line, building 7 at once!

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A little bit of detail painting today. Painting dials drives me nuts. If I didn’t have 7 of them, I would have bought PE for each. Luckily the Eduard kit came with two panels, and I have another late panel, some day I will figure out an easy way to paint them. I still have home touch up to do with green, black, and silver.


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6 hours ago, Grunhertz said:

Thanks I'll remember that 

I have a formula I use, dark brown wash fills all the nooks and crannies, and changes the tone of the green, then I use light green and metal pastel pigments to lighten all the raised areas. On aircraft in dusty or desert areas, I use a light tan wash. Then I always use a light grey wash on all black surfaces.




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I got the washes applied to the individual cockpits, at this stage I had to stop, take some notes. I had to think about each aircraft and the environment it operates in in, then pick the right weathering colors for it. I also had to determine which seats, panels, and what seat belts each had. I had to create a list so I could keep it straight. I also had to stop and do a workbench teardown, as I was missing the trim knob and rudder pedals from one of the planes. I searched the carpet, my workbench twice, and the boxes. Nothing. so I decided to do a full mid build workbench cleanup. Still nothing. I finally found that one of the P-40 boxes had my F-15E box sitting on top of it. Guess what...they were still attached to the sprues. Now I can continue with the build. I still have some weathering to do on the cockpits, final assembly, then I can close the fuselages. That's where the fun begins, filler and sanding....

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Today I finished assembling my and weathering the last of the cockpits, so I moved on to getting some filler on the tail seam, before I glue it together. I used masking tape to try to preserves as much detail as possible. I applied three coats of Mr Surfacer 500, which has become my favorite large gap filler.



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The pictures posted backwards, but you get the idea. As you can see from the pictures, this is a “K” tail, of the short and long tails, it is by far the worst. This one had the worst shape issues, only one panel line matched each side, and the rivets were too light. I’m going to have to definately do some rivet work on the two “K”s. I have a feeling this project is going to involve filling non existant panel lines along with a lot of sanding.

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