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1/32 Curtis P-40 production line, building 7 at once!

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Grey matter conversion kit is giving me fits, pun intended. So far, my impression is lukewarm, even though at first glance it looks nice, I have found a lot of trimming, adjusting, sanding, shaping, and adjusting.


To me, it seems like the molds are old and there are issues because of it, plus, it really needed some better alignment aids for the chopped up fuselage. Here is one big issue, when you cut the fuselage, it springs, the plastic warps and spreads out. The main nose piece is slightly out of square, so it take a lot of fine trimming, sanding, carving to make it line up close to right. Second, the shape of the resin nose is off, the Has fuselage is wider, therefore, you need to trim the center brace under the windshield, which also means sanding the windshield to fit. Another problem, since the fuselage sprung, all the dozen joints that need to line up within an inch of the forward wing root are all over the place, so I started by putting in three spreader bars, one before and after the cockpit at the bottom, a third across the lower inner cowl. Next glueing the Hasegawa “cheeks” to the nose plug, then gluing the center brace in. Next was the two upper and lower wing roots, then gluing the back wing to fuselage joint, then upper wing edge front the back, clamping the front three parts together in the root area. This is vastly complicated because to fit the grey matter conversion, you had to chop out sections of the wing and fuselage, so what was three pieces of plastic becomes many. Next is the front landing gear “knees” as I call them, then the gun covers. I spent three days doing all this, giving things time to fully cure, before moving to the next joint.


I know that there are much worse resin conversions on the market, but there are also better. I have a Fisher kit that is simply perfect. With that said, I am glad I have an F/L version, but I don’t know if I would do another. My nose was out of square, the shape of the nose was off from where it joins the Hasegawa fuselage, and the carb duct underneath was wrong, I had to sand and shape it to look and fit better. Even looking at the pictures above, it Looks close, but with all the parts together, it’s significantly too long. With the Trumpeter P-40F coming, it might be time to retire this mold.


however, at this point I’m committed, or need to be. More pics tomorrow.






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More progress, I actually got it finished to the point I can concentrate on sanding out some of the waves, then throw some primer on it. Excuse the still wet wash, and the nasty spray pattern, I realized too late I was using my Neo with a bent, clogged tip, not my Iwata. 







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  • 3 weeks later...

Unfortunately, work has stalled. My back is a wreck, and the Doc didnt want to do surgery to fix it, so they put me on "pain management" where they throw a bunch of drugs at you you that do anything but control pain. Well after two weeks of being in a daze, doing nothing, and not wanting to do anything, I quit the drugs and im back to plain old NSAIDs. the other drugs didnt do a damn thing but mess with my mind and make me twitch like a crack whore all night with no sleep. After being off of them for a few days I am feeling 100% better, still have back pain, but I can at least deal with it. 

My next step on the P-40s is to start laying down some seam filler, then do a LOT of sanding. So far, only the F/L conversion is ready for primer.

This weekend is IPMS Middle Tennessee, so I might also dust off a couple built kits and enter them. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have been resuming work this week, I spent a few hours applying seam putty on all the kits, there is a LOT of seams that need filler. As a rough measurement, I counted about 20 inches of seams that need filler on each plane. 75% of the seams have fine detail and rivets that are extremely close, so I have be really careful sanding. I have fully prepped the F/L conversion for priming, and a single "K" is ready, I am half finished sanding an "E", and then still have to sand a "K" and "E", and then both "N's." 

It has been taking me about 2 hours per plane to carefully sand each plane, so I probably still have a few weeks work to have all of them ready for primer. Of course, they may require more filling and sanding after. I would be happy to have all of them done by the end of the year, but there is no rush. I plan on taking breaks from the monotony of sanding, so I may bring back a couple kits from the SOL (shelf of limbo). 

I recently came across a Hasegawa P-47D that I started work on, I pretty much started the cockpit and pre-painted lots of parts on the sprues, including the resin wheels. This is an easy build because I had done a lot of prep work, I really need to assemble the cockpit and close up the fuselage. I also had a Yahu panel, and Fine Molds seat belts. Until last week, I forgot about this plane. I believe I stuffed it on the shelf when I ran into paint problems with my Corsair build.

I also want to do a few quick builds on some very old (pre-80's) helicopters, so I will throw some updates on here occasionally, but nobody wants to see sanding videos. Once I get to the primer stage, I'll post a few pictures. Ill also throw some pics up on my other projects.


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