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The Great LSM Twins Group Build ends Aug 31, 2024 ×

I'm an uncle! Again!


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I just got back from the hospital where my youngest sister has given birth to a bouncing baby boy. She's tired and resting as to be expected but mom and son are doing well. This is my first nephew and the first boy cousin for my two. 

I wonder what model I should get him for his first Christmas? :D

In other news, our dog Zoe turned 11 today as well. Happy birthday fuzzbucket!



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4 minutes ago, Jeff said:

Congratulations Carl................................ "Fuzzbucket" is soooooooooooooo cute   Happy Birthday Fuzzbucket !


35 minutes ago, Martinnfb said:

Congratulations Carl, sound like the life is good, that's always a great news.




5 hours ago, GazzaS said:


Thanks everyone! Just got the news that my sister and her husband have decided to name him Lincoln. The rest of the family will be meeting him later today. 

As for Zoe, she got a belated steak for her birthday. She was happy to say the least. 



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