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Mitsubishi A6M2 correct cockpit color?


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Hey all

 I've set the B-24 aside until some aftermarket stuff arrives in the mail. So I decided to start on my Tamiya A6M2b Zero. I'm going to be doing it using all Vallejo paints. And need to know what color to do the cockpit in. I have looked on the net and have seen many different shades of green from dark, almost bronze green to light like British cockpit green. So what is the proper color for this little oriental bird. This will be my first Japanese aircraft model.

Thanks Ron G 

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38 minutes ago, NigelR32 said:

Did you not look at Johns post? FS34098

I would use Tamiya XF71, but you want to use Vallejo and I tried to find an equivalent with no luck.

Johns post list (4) different colors for the cockpit.

Fs34098 - bamboo

Fs34255 - green olive

Fs34226 - grey green

Fs33448 - khaki/brown

Which one is correct?

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Well if you’re going with a Pearl Harbor attacker it will have been built by Mitsubishi as all the early type 21’s were. Later Nakajima chipped in with production. Naturally they couldn’t use the same Green, that would be far to simple. Well Gunze do both Mitsubishi and Nakajima cockpit Greens in their lacquer ranges (the ones that are coded C not H). Both are quite dark, much darker than any of the Allied Greens used in cockpits. They also do a Cowling Blue/Black colour which has a nice tint to it for the engine cowlings and rear turtle deck, which should be the blue/black colour, not Green should also be raised rivets not sunken ones there. Same for the insert atop the instrument panel the gun sight fixes to. But, again, if it’s a Nakajima built Zero they just used Black. I’m no expert, just things I remember coming across when researching for the same kit. 

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8 hours ago, Dave J said:

Yes you're correct. There are two shades depending if its a Mitsubishi or Nakajima built.

Have you checked out J-Aircraft website? There is tons of info there - http://www.j-aircraft.com/

Yes I have checked it out Dave thanks. Ok I think I have a handle on the cockpit color I'll have to mix my own from my existing Vallejo stock. Now I need to figure out a mix for the blue/black on the cowl and rear deck (part under the canopy). Heres what I'm thinking 50% black, 40% dark sea blue, 10% med blue sound right?

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I'll be watching for this build. this ought to be good.

The Tamiya A6M2 was the very first LSM I built when I got back into large scale modeling. I built it box stock, and I'd now love to take one to the next level.   They're a sweet build except for the silliness with the retractable gear and spring loaded inner gear doors.

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6 minutes ago, Clunkmeister said:

I'll be watching for this build. this ought to be good.

The Tamiya A6M2 was the very first LSM I built when I got back into large scale modeling. I built it box stock, and I'd now love to take one to the next level.   They're a sweet build except for the silliness with the retractable gear and spring loaded inner gear doors.

Hey Clunky

 Does anybody make a conversion system for the landing gear situation? I know Eduard has photo etch for it. But does anybody make a resin replacement for the landing gear bays and landing gear. Could you use G factors gear for the Hasagawa Zero on the Tamiya? I would like to know before I hack up the kit stuff.

Thanks Ron G 

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Ron, I'm honestly not sure, but it certainly needs it. That goofy setup is certainly toylike.

I think the gear legs are plenty strong OOB, if I remember correctly, they have wire inserts for strength. It's been 7 or 8 years since I built mine, and it's still sitting quite nicely in the cabinet.  I even used the rubber wheels too. I'm pretty sure resin wheels are available but I haven't bought any.

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Ok, I think I know how I'm going to take care of the landing gear. Now what do I have to do to convert this too a A6M3 model 22? I have the Master gun barrels for the A6M5, what else do I need to change to make it into a A6M3 model 22? I saw a video on YouTube of one done as a "3" it really looked cool. Motteled green over the original grey the guy also added a ton of extra scratch building stuff to it also. Would like to make mine something like his.

Thanks Ron G 

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Ok, I think I know how I'm going to take care of the landing gear. Now what do I have to do to convert this too a A6M3? I have the Master gun barrels for the A6M5, what else do I need to change to make it into a A6M3? I saw a video on YouTube of one done as a "3" it really looked cool. Motteled green over the original grey the guy also added a ton of extra scratch building stuff to it also. Would like to make mine something like his.

Thanks Ron G 

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Hey Gaz

 It seems Aotake is a real can of worms. I'm going to be using Vallejo model air Aotake from one of their Japanese paint sets. It's a little to blue, so I'm going to add some clear green then spray it over flat aluminum. Make sure you find out what areas of the aircraft should actually be painted with Aotake. Research...research...research :book::secret::construction::D

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