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The Great LSM Twins Group Build ends Aug 31, 2024 ×

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The second of my mojo kick starters was the Hasegawa J2M3. This kit was pure joy and the only issues I had were self made. I had a PE set for it but ended up using only a couple of bits. The IP looked too one dimensional to me so I ended up using the kit IP and supplied decal which I thought came out rather nice. For once  I wanted to a Japanese aircraft that didn't look like a paint stripping job gone bad so I kept chipping to a minimum. I took a couple cockpit shots on this one as it is quite large and easy to see through the large canopy. The IP did get a wash but the camera didn't pick it up well.










Hopefully this will end my drought and this year will be more fruitful. Thanks for looking !

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Nice looking Raiden and quite rare without heavy weathering. One year ago I built one too, without any aftermarket, a first since being a kid. As you mentioned it is a trouble free relaxing experience. The Hasegawa Raidens should be prescribed for frustrated modelers.

Cheers Rob


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