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Playing in the Sandbox Group Build Sept 1, 2024 - Jn 1, 2025

Coastal kits ground blur bases


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I'll be building some more in flight builds soon and wanted a more dynamic look.  I just received the ground blur base from Coastal Kits and how cool is this thing? To me it really adds life to the model.  I haven't finalized the base yet but in very very happy with what I received. 


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The prop was the best alternative I could come up with after looking at all of the available ways to go about it. The display gets a lot of double takes at shows as guys take a second look thinking the prop IS spinning!

 The only other alternative was to just have the spinner.

I do agree with you though , the prop is the focal point and will make or break the display.

Full spinner paper template:


Clear blade selection of diff widths:


Not an easy choice with the alternatives available. The solid renditions are not realistic enough , that's why I did it a few diff ways to figure it out.


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