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That's pretty neat Ryan.  

Speaking of carpet monsters, I was at the bench and dropped a small part. It landed on my cat so I had to grab it before she took off. 


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That a good one, how about the ones that land in your shoe or slipper to be found later...

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'neck mounting' 

What could possibly go wrong...

As far as the CM , gets some .transfer tape ' from a sign supplier.

Comes in 1" - 36" rolls. Wheel a piece of 12" off and lay it on the carpet ,

It will pick up anything there. 

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That's a relief! I mean seriously, isn't it enough that my visage scares small children???

Walking down the street with arms outstretched groaning and people running away in panic sounds way too busy. 

However, were that to happen, calm would once again be restored by the singing hum of a compressor and the light wisp of the airbrush...

Airbrush. :thumbsup2:

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I finally pulled out the carpet from my building area and laid down some wood flooring.

Then, I affixed a clear plexi office mat over the wood so my chair would roll.  All mighty high tech, but... plastic shavings and bits of ends of sprues seem to magically sneak under the clear plexi, helping camouflage and wayward small part. 

It’s an evil plot against my waning bit of remaining sanity, I fear. 

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You guys are wimps, I had gray shag installed in my office! It build up your scratch building skills. If a part flings off the bench, i don't even bother looking for it.

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