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The Great LSM Twins Group Build ends Aug 31, 2024 ×

10 years!


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On a Saturday that looked pretty much like this one (clear skies and sunny, not crazy warm) 10 years ago, Susan did the craziest thing. She said "I do" when asked if she would take me as her husband. I didn't have a choice according to my mom. :lol:

3 homes, 1 major renovation, 5 cars, more bikes than I can count, 3 cats, 1 dog and most importantly, 2 crazy boys later, we're still together. We still haven't killed each other, involuntarily or otherwise. 

So happy 10th anniversary my Love. Looking forward to many more. 




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Congratulations Carl, hard to believe Sue has been putting up with you for that long, give the girl a hug for me..................... I hope you two can go out for a real nice dinner somewhere.........................  without a mask !:ph34r:

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Congratulations, seems you've made the right choice - but 10 years is peanuts. I've been married to SWMBO for 43 years now, never regretted a minute and we lead a very interesting and never boring live. Lately, however, I made her believe I'm turning deaf - age related of course - and hey, it's great again!!! Nothing better than to have a trusted and loving partner on your side - especially in rough times! 


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Thanks Ernie! Actually it was Sue's idea to get married. She asked me first. The best part was our parents were all for it. In fact, mine told me I no longer had a choice as they liked Sue's parents so much. :lol:


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