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The Great LSM Twins Group Build ends Aug 31, 2024 ×

Special Hobby Tempest V

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Finished this up about a month ago. It’s the Special Hobby Tempest V “hi tech”. No aftermarket a true OOB build. This is my first 32nd I’ve finished since returning and the second in line after the Tamiya Corsair ( to be finished). This build I have to admit fought me from day one, not sure if that was my incompetence or the kit. Anyway it even threw me a curve ball at the final hurdle when laying down the decals, they silvered :wallbash:......That was when I decided enough was enough and I hereby present my not so perfect build. Unfortunately I’d started this before I came over to LSM so did very few in progress shots as would never had put it up for public scrutiny at that time. Gladly that has changed. 
Feel free to comment as that’s how we all learn in the end of the day.













thanks for looking, stay safe, stay well......Phil.

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1 hour ago, Bomber_County said:

That was when I decided enough was enough and I hereby present my not so perfect build

I start to fear the presentation of a perfect build from you :D, honestly, I like what I see, the only downside is, that you where to fast to participate in Martin's suggested Tempest GB :rofl:, if that will ever happen.

Cheers Rob 

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30 minutes ago, Spitfire said:

Great build of a subject that I have never modelled in 1/32 scale

Thanks Dennis, the Tempest is hell‘va a looker. The SH has its flaws but is the newest mould out there. Some people say the nose is all wrong etc etc etc.....but in the end of the day if it looks the part, I’m happy......thanks for the kind compliment....

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Ernie, thank you, very much appreciated, this was only my 2nd LSM, no wonder it nearly broke me. Ironically having put it on the shelf way back when, I did loads of AFV to compensate.......now back on the flying things again........

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