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Everything posted by Spitfire

  1. Looking good, I really prefer the early war colours and markings. Cheers Dennis
  2. As a Typhoon and Tempest fan I will be watching this one with interest, the Tempest II is outside my chosen WWII era so I cannot justify the expense of the Hi Tech version, but if they ever make a non Hi Tech version I would be all over it. Cheers Dennis
  3. Good news about the Aires cockpit as I also have one. Cheers Denis
  4. That looks really good, but then again Ducati's do look like works of art like most Italian bikes, my favourite is the MV F4. Cheers Dennis
  5. It's great news for Lufwaffe fans and the detail looks fantastic. Cheers Dennis
  6. That is a huge blow, I really do not know how I would cope with that, you have my deepest condolences and best wishes Dennis
  7. Sad story (horrific really) but a great build Cheers Dennis
  8. Wow that made me really jealous as due to Covid I have missed out on Telford for the first time since the 90's, we even used to fly back to the UK from Thailand just to attend the show. Thank you all for the photos and taking the time to post them. Cheers Dennis
  9. This should be educational and as I have one in the stash a good guide. Cheers Dennis
  10. Just young at heart Cheers Dennis
  11. That looks very nasty, stay safe Cheers Dennis
  12. What great pictures, thank you for posting them Cheers Dennis
  13. That's a really nice build and finish, for such a largish aircraft it does look very aggressive. Cheers Dennis
  14. That looks spot on for a desert Hurricane, nice job. Cheers Dennis
  15. Thank goodness for that. Cheers Dennis
  16. My latest modelling acquisition has nothing to do with kits but to me it is great change. My stash, as is many peoples is up in the loft, my house is a 1970's creation so I can just about kneel up in it. As I am not as nimble as I was, even with a new knee it got to be a bother getting up there so I decided on a change, a couple of years ago I had a new two story extension built with a garage for my motorbikes on the ground floor, having sold one bike I had more space so a cunning plan was formulated. My latest acquisition was a pair of eBay shelves, which took me a couple of days to assemble as they are modern wonders of engineering and require no bolts at all. So off to the loft I went and passed down my precious kits into my wife's waiting arms, these were then shuttled downstairs and installed into the new shelves and don't they look good. I have only moved my 1/32 scale kits though the 1/48 kits and the Military models stash are still up in the loft awaiting their fate. And here they are, I did miss some of the older 1/32 scale kits but it looks like they can come down too. Cheers Dennis
  17. Never tried it but others have and it seems to work fine, the varnish is quite thick and requires some serious stirring though. Cheers Dennis
  18. Looking forward to seeing that Cheers Dennis
  19. I use Xtracolor's own thinner and the thinning ratio makes a big difference to how matt the finish is currently I am using a 2 to 1 mix thinners to varnish. Cheers Dennis
  20. For some strange reason I have one of these kits and the RAF version, I think they were a special offer job. So I will follow with interest Cheers Dennis
  21. All the best, enjoy Cheers Dennis
  22. Good to hear that this will progress, the Stirling is (was) a mighty beast of an aircraft. Cheers Dennis
  23. Thank you Martin it's truly amazing that it wasn't recycled, but I persevered and it's looking good now. Cheers Dennis
  24. PCM Hawker Hurricane (fabric wing) Cheers Dennis
  25. What a great build that is Jerry, I have the same kit and must get around to building it one day. Cheers Dennis
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