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Everything posted by Spitfire

  1. I'll have a look at the kit parts first before deciding, though generally I tend to build OOB unless there is something drastically wrong with the kit Cheers Dennis
  2. Still waiting for my kit from Hannants but got these direct from HGW. Cheers Dennis
  3. Looks good, nice to have a "pathfinder" showing the way for us. Cheers Dennis
  4. Thanks for that, this kit is one I have wanted for years, I even built a 1/48 scale kit of one (Classic Airframes) but was not impressed, it just has to be 1/32. Next up for me would be a Defiant (please). Cheers Dennis
  5. Looking good, hopefully I will be building a JE*J soon, but from a PCM kit. Cheers Dennis
  6. That looks just the job. Cheers Dennis
  7. Looking good, the markings will really lift it. Cheers Dennis
  8. I also use it for Colourcoats, works great Cheers Dennis
  9. That's looking good now onto the fun parts Cheers Dennis
  10. Sad news, RIP Dale Dennis
  11. That's a sad sight, hope it's not as bad as it looks. Cheers Dennis
  12. Yes I agree I would prefer to see a buttoned up air frame, I can however I do appreciate the skill and time some people put into their opened up builds, but it is not for me. Cheers Dennis
  13. Here's the latest on the recovery from HS https://www.tapatalk.com/groups/hyperscale/interesting-footage-of-a-tbm-ditching-today-in-flo-t523135-s10.html Cheers Dennis
  14. That was a an amazing feat, and very lucky that no swimmers were caught up in the incident, everyone seemed so calm, though it was probably because it happened so fast. Cheers Dennis
  15. This is my latest victim, the PCM Hawker Tempest, it's been a bit of a struggle but it's getting there now. Cheers Dennis
  16. This is coming along very nicely, the cockpit looks great. Cheers Dennis
  17. Now that is major surgery, I think that I would have built something else looking at all the faults, but an interesting journey to follow. Cheers Dennis
  18. Reminds me of my bike, went abroad working for 10 years and left the Honda covered in grease and covered in dust sheets, got back and though a quick touch up and away we would go. Mine was the SOHC CB750. The reality was a lot different and resulted in a 2 year total rebuild, here is the frame after I had stripped the bike down, you seem to have got the rust in all the right places !. It turned out well though. Cheers Dennis
  19. Nice choice, I have a PCM Mk.IX lined up after my current builds and will probably build it as JE*J as well, strangely with my fascination with Spitfires I have never built a Mk IX. I have built I, II, V, VI, VIII, and XIV but no IX. So will have to get my finger out, I do have a Tamiya IX but the PCM version has been in the stash the longest. Cheers Dennis
  20. I'm with you on that one Cheers Dennis
  21. Great job, looks grand Cheers Dennis
  22. That's a really nice build, and paint finish, I have one to build one day, hope it turns out as nice as yours. Cheers Dennis
  23. Third time lucky worked then, good news Cheers Dennis
  24. Beautiful work that is really neat. Cheers ennis
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