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Everything posted by Spitfire

  1. I could be in for one of those, the complete kit is too large for my house but I could manage to display a nose section. Cheers Dennis
  2. All the best wishes Cheers Dennis
  3. What a fine selection of Spitfires Cheers Dennis
  4. That's better and it looks great. Cheers Dennis
  5. All I see apart from one photo is a road sign like a UK "no entry" road sign
  6. Only seeing one photo up there, is there a problem. Cheers Dennis
  7. Great build of a subject that I have never modelled in 1/32 scale, I will have to correct that yours looks great Cheers Dennis
  8. Some great detail painting going on here, looks superb. Solving the fit problem must have been a bit fraught after all that work but it looks like you have it well in hand. Cheers Dennis
  9. This really is looking great, I love the detailing in it, hopefully ZM are on the ball as far as weight is concerned, my Revell kit called for 70g in the fuselage and 25g in each nacelle, so I added 80g in the fuselage and 30g in each nacelle and I ended up with a tail sitter. So I added 38g in the nose wheel bay and that just about cured it. Cheers Dennis
  10. It's great when you meet your soulmate and it works out, sounds like it has for you guys, Congratulations Cheers Dennis
  11. Well done, I admire your dedication and devotion, shame about the social distancing rules spoiling your family celebrations but better safe than sorry. Cheers Dennis
  12. Nice one, I built the Revell version as a fun build OOB and it certainly built into a large and impressive model so I am interested in how this one will turn out, so far you are doing a great job. Cheers Dennis
  13. Nice one, I like the paint job, really well executed Cheers Dennis
  14. Managed to put my name down for one on the Infinity website, will see what happens Cheers Dennis
  15. It's a shame that there isn't a more modern kit available, but you work with what you have not what you would like. This is the kit that got me back into modelling, I used to lust after one especially when there was one in the window of our local newsagent shop that I used to stop at every day coming home from work, but with a wife, two kids, and a mortgage I could not justify another hobby. But when times got better I did start building kits again and this was one of the first that I built. So it will be interesting to watch the progress of your build. Cheers Dennis
  16. Great job that looks really good, and built at warp speed as well, I will have to book a slot in my build schedule to build mine. Cheers Dennis
  17. Looking great, those beer barrels do look strange on a Spitfire, but what a brilliant idea. Cheers Dennis
  18. That looks great, I really must build a Mk. IX, I have the Tamiya kit in stock and a couple of PCM's so no excuse, they are probably the nicest looking Merlin Spitfires. Though they all look great, no matter which mark. Cheers Dennis
  19. How the heck did I miss this one, a Spitfire no less, it's looking great and what a great idea for a build the Beerspit. Cheers Dennis
  20. I'm not a great fan of Luftwaffe subjects but this is looking really great, it makes me want to dig out mine so you must be doing it right then, looking forward to more. Cheers Dennis
  21. Hopefully the SH Westland Whirlwind will make an appearance this year it is the only kit that I will probably buy, being a retired person I can indulge myself (within reason) but there just are not any other kits out there or planned that take my fancy. An SH car door Typhoon could be the exception. Hopefully like the Gladiator and the PZL P11c there might be surprises in store for me, a Fulmar, Skua or BPF Firefly would be great. Cheers Dennis
  22. Looking good, I've been waiting for an IM kit of this subject for ages and this one looks great, keep up the good work. Cheers Dennis
  23. Nice one Dale, well worth it in the end, must build mine one day Cheers Dennis
  24. That looks really good. Cheers Dennis
  25. I couldn't resist this one. Cheers Dennis
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