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Everything posted by Wingco57

  1. I really liked that Attacker that you had on the stand. Good to know that they sold very well. It's a great choice. Cheers Cees
  2. Well, I invented some new words. But I am very very happy that WNW finally listened to my pleas. Cees
  3. Yaaawn, just another one of these threads...................................zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
  4. With renewed motivation I could't wait and got stuck in right away. It is easier to use and adapt the new parts. Cees
  5. Got back from Telford this morning with a nice selection of spares for the Manchester with compliments from Neil Yan. As the bloody paralyser has been stopped thanks to WNW I will focus on this conversion project. Here are some pics. The clear Lanc nose will serve as sparessource the other is for Jeroen. Cees
  6. Hmm, due to sudden unknown reasons this project has suddenly come to a grinding halt Cees
  7. My pleasure, as you noticed it took a while before WNW answered my pleas I am taking orders so that I can break out the plasticard and evergreen strips for the next one....... Seriously, I am very grateful to WNW, the model looked fabulous and better than anything I could build. Bring it on I would say. And my poor old HP 0/400? That will sit next the WNW model in the future. Hoooooezooooooo!!!!!!!!!!! Cees
  8. Thanks Peter, With Telford about to begin modelling is very low but after the weekend renewed motivation usually kicks in. Cees
  9. Topnotch, when matted down it will look spectacular.
  10. Looks like you know what you are doing
  11. Won't it be a problem to weather the decals too and consistent with the whole airframe? Cees
  12. What a very nice build, I only ever built the Airfix 1/72 version and thought that was big but the 1/48 is certainly massive. Love the bare metal foil treatment. Cees
  13. Smooth or threaded tyres?
  14. It's just a matter of taking your time and patience. As you may have noticed I have also times that nothing is being done to it. But then suddenly the drive returns and I get some more done. At the moment I am waiting for a cockpit testshot to finish the cockpit (as mentioned before I hate scratchbuilding the small bits like radios and general equipment, if I can use bits from the sparesbox or commercially available items I will). Once that is done the progress is rapid with only the engine nacelles to be done (oh Jerooeeen!). Cees
  15. Fantastic how you break down complex parts into their basic shapes. Your attention to detail is staggering. I wonder what will happen if you decide to use your skills on an aircraft model. That would be freakin' amazing. Cees
  16. Wonderful, what a beautiful build. Cees
  17. Thanks, but the fun really starts when the complex structure on top of the bombbay is to be represented. I did it on my earlier 1/28 attempt dan despite the bigger scale I got crosseyed, but it worked out in the end so I have faith it will do so this time too. Cees
  18. That is looking very good already. Make sure the camo colours aren't too dark. Bit of a mix and match. Cees
  19. I really like the Airscale instrument panels. Just as a point of attention, the direction compass and D/F indicator as seen at the top of the instrument panel were in fact fitted at the base of the windscreen in front of the pilot and and stick out. Do not forget to make the rear casings of said instruments and the wiring as these are very much in view. Check for photo's to see what I mean. Nice touch though. Cees
  20. It's been a while. But I did some work on the HP's floors. Now that WNW's next kit is not a blo....HP 0/400 I have to get on with it. Cees
  21. Just a reminder what still needs to be done. A cockpit testshot is winging it's way towards me to assist the cockpit. Which saves me from scratchbuilding the fiddly bits which I hate. Cees
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