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Everything posted by Paulster

  1. My greatest fear is that my wife will sell my kits for what I told her I paid for them.
  2. When drawing panel lines, I use the Derwent pencils with a "light" hand. I utilize labeling tape as a straight edge due to it's flexibility. Hope I don't get banned for posting a 1/48th build.
  3. ​Same here. It was a commission build also. Not good.
  4. ​Nice work Matt, as usual. I have just started using the oil dot system on my armor projects after years of balking out of fear of botching 4 months of work.
  5. I'll second your guess. Tamiya IDF M-1 was 55ish a couple 3 years ago.
  6. I was looking at the price yesterday and mentioned to a friend it didn't seem right. Just under $40 USD when DML is charging $65+ for bad kits (see M-103A1) I'm guessing $60+.
  7. ​A lot of those Trumpeter kits are a great way to get back into or start building armor.
  8. That would be "yip-yip-yip".
  9. That's a surprisingly low price.
  10. This announcement just made the Emhar kit worth about .37 cents.
  11. Martin, I had a bet with myself on how long it would take you to reply. I won. Please send me $100.
  12. Last thing I was expecting from them. http://www.perthmilitarymodelling.com/newkitnews/tamiya.html
  13. Matt beat me to it. Tamiya T-72M is the way to go. If you want to be a rivet counter on the turret, there are a couple of companies that offer a/m replacements.
  14. Very good progress. I have a could of J's masks. Looks like a paint by numbers set when you first see it.
  15. Just me. I use lacquer thinner. I find the brand sold by the "Do-It Center" chain of hardware stores works best. Much better than Lowes or HD.
  16. No more excuses. Last piece needed to start my Eastern Front GB projects.
  17. "Vith Der Vinterketten!"
  18. Not my bag but I know it's for a lot of other peoples. http://store.spruebrothers.com/product_p/edu632035.htm
  19. I use the clear monofilament. For the life of me, can not get the hang of stretch sprue. Also use the Testors Clear glue for insulators.
  20. They are a specialized version of the "FAQ's BY MIG". Packed with weathering technics.
  21. That toilet would look great attached to the bomb rack on the ZM Sky Raider.
  22. Very fairly priced compared to other shows.
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