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Everything posted by Paulster

  1. Under carriage details appears to be very crisp.
  2. Your workmanship on the pe is very clean.
  3. Comes with track jigs. That's good. Usually have to build my own.
  4. BTW-Looking forward to seeing you finishing this M40.
  5. Glad to hear that Jeroen. I stalled on 2 builds last year for the first time in my life. I'll blame Martin as it seems to be the thing to do around here. Want to restart and finish my Dodge M6 GMC.
  6. Just wow Jeroen. I can't find anything to be critical about. I find it to be inspirational in my future endeavors. Figures are top notch.
  7. Starting to really work on your stash there Ralph.
  8. Beautiful job there. Your "mottling" is great.
  9. As a former mechanic and someone who does all his own vehicle and home maintenance, you are absolutely correct. Buy it like you intend never to buy one again.
  10. ​Have started 2 job projects to try to get the AMS shakes calmed down a bit. I bought the Trumpeter R35 and R39 kits from Sprue Brothers. As alway Gordon, pleasure to keep my USD's in the US. Just wish they would allow pre-order. Both are really poor kits. Fit is bad and contact points for glueing are minimal. But, you get what you pay for. The Bronco are much better as I'm sure the Hobby Boss is also. I will mark the R35 as Syrian and the R39 for the 82 IDF "Russian" Tank Brigade during the 1948 Israeli War of Independence. Don't know how yet. But that's my intention. Both kits are oob. Lots of sanding. Primed with my usual Tamiya Fine Surface Primer. On the kit vinyl tracks it was suggested to try the Rust-o-leum paint for plastic. Primarily made for plastic patio furniture so it is flexible. We shall see. The paint is black then I oversprayed with MM enamel rust. Weathering later. I painted the IDF vehicle with MM Field Drab and the Syrian MM Medium Field Green with Tamiya Dark Yellow camouflage stripes.
  11. Uuuhhhh. No thanks Steve, I'll pass this time.
  12. I Googled "Aires" and it came up with, ​"Czechoslovakian for "Does not fit".
  13. Finish looks top notch.
  14. Very nice Mikey. I will take Canon 5D (new) in lieu of storage fee's.
  15. I can appreciate your comment. The first time I got out of the Navy I got a job working for a contract trucking company in Los Angeles. About 35% of the drivers were 2nd and 3rd generation Dutchman. They and their fathers and grandfathers all started out working the dairies in the Bellflower/Norwalk/Cerritos area of SoCal. They always seemed to disappear when it was their turn to buy the next pitcher of beer.
  16. Hope to see some of these at future shows and competitions in the near future.
  17. Even after all these years I still almost pee my pants when I hear or read that. Radu make's some of the best tools and accessories. Wish he had a US distributor.
  18. Someone correct me if I'm wrong. Isn't this a re-box of the Vintage(?) kit from about 6 or 7 years ago.
  19. Congrats!! Pork rinds and beer for you!!
  20. Hey! Progress is progress.
  21. I see some nice builds and dioramas coming to the up and coming show circuit with this one.
  22. This is what I have. Not cheap. But does a real good job. From Micro Mark.
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