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Dave J

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Everything posted by Dave J

  1. I think that is a great idea!
  2. Personally I use a Gloss White and then I don't need to shoot a varnish over it. One thing is don't apply varnish or Future directly to the plastic as I have seen a problems with the decals playing up.
  3. Welcome Dagovee! Go for the Roland! Great kit... and yes that Black scheme with the Edielweiss is a great scheme! Reminds me... I really need to finish mine!
  4. Here is a couple of Hein Facts for you... The first encounter reports from the Amercians claimed Ki-61s were Bf 109's... Kawasaki Ha-40 is the engine that powered the Ki-61, these were a license-built Daimler Benz 601a engine...
  5. Paul, Who's Lozenge Decals are you using? If its WNW, you will need to paint a glossly finish. Either using a Gloss paint or Matt Paint with a Gloss varnish over the top
  6. Whats a Fokker? Yeap Sure is Metal and Green!
  7. Ok, so the P-47 Work Lunch Time project is annoying the hell of of me... I seem to be spending all my time sanding, filling and rescribing at the moment and I feel that I am getting no where with it! So I need to build some thing that is nearly shake and bake to get my mojo flowing again for the P-47! I been wanting to tackle the Hasegawa K-61 Tony for a while now... so I am going to do it now! I am also going to throw some AM at it too, I have the following - Aires Cockpit Set Quickboost Undercarriage Covers Wolf Pack Exhaust set Wolf Pack Ki-61 Tei Conversion Hasegawa Barrel set Scheme is going to be Commander Teruhiko Kobayashi, of the 244th Sentai of the Tokyo Defenders.
  8. Thanks Harv... This kit is being a pain in the ass, as Matt knows from his experience! I seem to be spending more time sanding and refilling etc... so I am going to stick it a side again and revisit it in a few weeks...
  9. Looking Great Rick.... Wish my Trumpeter build was moving as fast as yours!
  10. Some more AK Stuff... Since I had some store credit left... I ordered this too! I am going to need all the help when I start my re start the Nagato!
  11. Eaglecals have announced some decals too... In all 3 scales!
  12. Hahaha.. I have known for a little while this was coming... but the Variant completely got me!
  13. Just saw it confirmed via HobbyLink Japan.... F4U-1 Corsair Birdcage.... I knew about it being a Corsair for a while... But didn't expect it to be a Birdcage. http://www.hlj.com/product/TAM60324/Air?utm_source=HobbyLink+Japan+Newsletter&utm_campaign=4abc2d5171-32tamcorsair_04_09_2013&utm_medium=email
  14. Nice update Doug! I was wondering how you were going on with this project!
  15. Now thats scarey! I am not going to be able to sleep tonight! Great Pics too!
  16. Yea and no... I was hoping for some detail shots but there weren't any
  17. Fantastic! I just got one of those kits today!
  18. Its like Christmas at the moment! A couple of big packages hit my desk at the sametime! Where do I start - Tasca Firefly Miniart Jeep Voyager Model Jeep PE ET Model Jeep Wheels Miniart Harley Hasegawaw Bf109 F-4 Trop (like I really need another 109!)
  19. Matt, I use Joe at Scale Precision... hands down he is fantastic! He did the masks for my Bat nose B-25 without having the kit there and did magic!
  20. Ah you should just send it to me to finish.... You know that you have all those WW1 kits that you want to build too
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