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Everything posted by PAnderson

  1. What is "instagrammed"?
  2. Here is the entrails of a P-47 before the fuse was built around it, Courtesy of National Museum of World War II Aviation. Paul
  3. Prayers for Izabella tonight. Hang in there Mike. Children are way more resilient than we think. I hope all goes well. Paul
  4. These pics were taken at The National Museum of World War II Aviation. These planes flew formation for the US Air Force Academy graduation. These photos were taken after by a well known photographer. These ARE photos even though they have been shopped a little. Or maybe just taken through some different filter. Anyway, I thought you all would like these. Below is the link to their Facebook page. National Museum of World War II Aviation I hope you like these. Paul Edit: The photos were taken by Mike Goodell
  5. I ordered extra sprues for my Tamiya Spit. Local hobby shop ordered them for me. Took about 3-4 weeks. Paul
  6. Congrats gentlemen. They look awesome! Paul
  7. Darren, what a beautiful build. That, sir, is a major accomplishment. You should be proud of that work of art you created. Paul
  8. What I just got. I have a couple of Williams Brothers scale engines. They are nice and plan to do a 80 HP LeRhone to go with my Sopwith Pup for the GW group build. Today I got this Haswegawa 1/8 110 HP Oberursel URII. This is a MUCH better kit as far as molding goes. Very happy. They also make a 1/8 Clerget that I will eventually buy. Now all I need is a WNW Fokker DR1 to go with it. What other planes used this engine? Can anybody help? Paul
  9. Happy Birthday Martin. Now get in you shop and start building your Gotha! Best Wishes, Paul
  10. Had a great time at the Aerodrome. A LOT of stuff to see. Have to go back and explore. Here is a link to over 300 pictures. Old Rhinebeck Aerodrome
  11. As for requests: 1) No comment, LOL. Only women allowed on my bike. 2)Will you settle for hundreds? They give rides too, Martin. $75 or for you, 50lb. It's only a 2 hour drive. I am going to check in to volunteering at this place. Paul
  12. Simply breathtaking Alex. Thank you. Paul
  13. Hello All, Today we leave for the Old Rhinebeck Aerodrome for the a weekend of air shows and picture taking. Saturday is the first WW1 airshow of the season. Any requests? Old Rhinebeck Aerodrome, Rhinebeck, New York Pictures posted by Monday. Stay tuned.
  14. I am using Firefox. How do you delete cookies?
  15. That is a totally sweet build. Close to perfect. You are giving me some ideas since I have this kit. Love it. Paul
  16. Sunday night I had trouble logging in. LSM would not accept my password no matter what I tried. It would just dump me back to the login screen whenever I tried. Tried changing my password 2 times. Still did the same thing. SP&R was the same way. It finally worked again Monday morning on both sites. Now, LSM will not remember my password, it makes me login again each time. Does anybody know why and can someone tell me how I can get LSM to let me stay logged in? SP&R is working fine now. What gives? Any help would be great. Thanks, Paul
  17. Jeroen, nice work buddy. Far cry from my attempt. You are right, the PE makes all the difference in the bombs and racks. Geez, they are pretty. Paul
  18. Our thoughts and prayers are with your family and especially with your little one. They are so precious at this age. Paul
  19. Nice purchase grant.
  20. Our very best wishes Harv, you will be up and about in no time. Get well soon. Paul
  21. Thanks for that Rizzo. That is some absolutely stunning work. Yes, you should be very proud of that. I really like the effort you put into the photo-etch. Did you make the pilot's seat yourself? That is beautiful. Nice work is an under statement. Paul
  22. I like it. There is a 1/35 resin version floating around on Ebay at the moment. It is unusual and we need more high quality WW1 subjects in my opinion. Paul
  23. Some of the flyover participants.
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