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Everything posted by Wumm

  1. One for the Chev heads... Spied just now on The Gold Coast at the Southport Seaway. Sunday evening on a 3-day weekend here.
  2. Appreciate it Mike, Adding to the build as time allows. Currently taking inspiration from Ryan's cockpit shots elsewhere on the Forum, and how to apply his touch to my dashboard.
  3. Well firstly, this is predominantly a Modelling website, where most of the members work in plastic or polyurethane resins. A very few are experienced in using metal to skin their builds, but this is an art form beyond most of us here. Plastic is probably the way to go. An accurate full sized F-14 in the actual construction materials would require a lot of Titanium for the wing box. As you're seeking donations, sourcing recycled metals would be an easier route; but unless you're Greta Thunberg and have contacts to help you manufacture a fast mode of transportation out of cans, old bicycles and your own sense of entitlement, I wouldn't waste your Childhood on it in my opinion. Plastic will need to be reinforced internally. Search "Zoukei Mura" on this Forum for examples of unnecessary internal details that will never be seen. If you can watch some videos in preparation, that will help greatly. Don't hire the movie "Tomcats"; contrary to the title, there are no F-14's in this movie. Similarly, "Top Gun" features an F-14 where the pilot pushes the throttle forward to "hit the brakes"... This is completely wrong, and while it might work for Tom Cruise, it's enough to make most viewers jump up and down on the couch. For this reason alone, disregard every aspect of this particular movie. Another video to watch, and a possible quick and easy solution for your particular problem; is the title "Firefox", where an American Pilot steals a fully functional fighter aircraft from the former Soviet Union. While it has absolutely no details of F-14's in it, the star of the movie got away with it by simply being able to "think Russian". This aspect alone may greatly assist you in obtaining plans or documents from the current U.S. Administration. Back to construction... If you're considering plastic, you really need to keep it out of the sun. In my youth, I took a small F-14 model to my Grandmother's house once, but left it in the car by mistake - when I discovered it an hour later, the wings had sagged, and wouldn't retract back into the swept position. So, you'll be able to take off and land, but not go supersonic... And where's the fun in that? You will need to construct a large hangar, at least 20 x 20 metres to house it. But tell no-one. If they find you, they will kill you. In fact, since you've already put it out here, I'd just give up now. Anyhow, it would probably take less effort to make a Trans-Atlantic fast yacht out of recycled cans and old bicycles. Unless you can think in Russian, that is.
  4. No, I think that would only have confused him more. Told him that "sh#t" is one of those marvelous words, that in English can be a Noun, a Verb, and also an Adjective; and that in a Workplace environment he should consider the word "trouble" as a substitute, especially when dealing with clients. There are some words thrown around in the Transport Industry that are not to be repeated, IYKWIM. S
  5. Lost in translation... We have a few "New Australians" at work, many from the Sub-Continent, many leaning English as they go, and taking things quite literally. One of them came to me one day and asked... "The Supervisor just apologised for hanging sh#t on me. Why would he wish to do that to me?"
  6. Likewise Ernie, I know your Faith is strong, and these things are sent to try us. Thinking of you both. S
  7. A tragic event, on so many levels. I think in fairness, often the criticism stems from the nature of the aircraft involved. Military types are built to different tolerances than pure Passenger aircraft, and safety factors are sometimes sacrificed in the name of performance. Furthermore, at least in this Country, it's a grey area so far as regulations go... There was a recent example here where an Individual was on a Joyflight on his birthday in a former Military training aircraft; he was killed along with the Pilot, who it turned out had let his Commercial Licence lapse at the time of the accident. Not equating this example to the Nine-O-Nine crash, merely highlighting a reason why people can sometimes react in the manner they do. My thoughts and prayers to all those involved.
  8. "Is it one of ours?" "Ya, I think it's one of Kurt Tank's Paper Projects!"
  9. I am lead to believe that the Ju-88 A-1 sold in excess of 10,000 units. This was mentioned on another site, before the release of the A-4 variant.
  10. Dee-Oh-Seventeen. I'm beginning to think they're all leaving it out of their catalogues to deliberately annoy ppl.
  11. And of course now, true to form and contrary to past protestations; all traces of bickering and passive- aggressive bullying have been removed from said thread. Hypocrites as well an Enablers. Here's a tip Guys... If it's embarrassing enough to delete in hindsight, it should have been deleted at the time.
  12. The subtle, yet fundamental difference between that site and this one... Here: "That cowling looks flawed. But I can still make something out of it." There: "That cowling looks flawed. You wanna make something of it?"
  13. I think the Cowling is the wrong shape on that Bus...
  14. I model only WW2 Axis types so far as Aircraft go, so those you've mentioned are right up my alley. I take particular interest in the intricacies and subtle differences between Manufacturers and Werk Nummer runs of especially late war Fw-190 and Bf-109's. Some will tell you "they're all the same boring grey", but this is part of my enthusiasm for those particular types. Also quite fond of the camouflage and colours of the WW2 Italian aircraft. S
  15. Despite being situated in plain view with this being a 'Soft-skin' vehicle, most of the cabin floor will be be obscured by other parts. Abutting the added footwell is a formed plate; which holds the fuel tank at left, the battery box at right under the Passenger seat, with the rear section of the gearbox inbetween. An upright cabinet is shown for assembly in the instructions, but is not seen positioned in the next stage. It seems to be for Rifle storage in the Troop Carrier variant that shares parts with this sprue, but would not fit under the gun deck as it's too high. Another instruction sheet anomaly, is a duplication of part B40 which sits atop the rear gearbox... Those attempting this kit should use B41 on the Driver's side; being careful of the orientation of these tiny parts and the way they fit together, as there are no connecting lugs on the internal faces.
  16. Actually, Dogs are having an afternoon nap, so getting some building done. The part of the Dragon Sd.Kfz.10 gearbox at far right has been on the floor twice already whilst trying to get it removed and trimmed. The worst part is, constantly having to change Glasses from 3.5 mag back to my regular script pair so that I can see 3 feet down to the floor! Why is it, that the only thing that's 20/20 anymore is hindsight?
  17. A figure... From MJ Miniatures. Rather than the usual Field Grey, I think I may give him a Zeltbahn or Autumn Plane Tree pattern Anorak? Hmmm...
  18. True dat... Anything that might drop onto the floor is usually assumed to be some form of toast or crumb or foodstuff of some kind to be quickly consumed by a hairy land Shark. Either that, or it becomes attracted to furry undercoat by static cling like a TV Infomercial dusting wand, and if you're lucky you end up removing it as the Nucleus of a gigantic knot during the weekly grooming process, when what you actually wish you were doing was a spot of Model building. It's a vicious circle. With doleful eyes. Oy!
  19. Wumm


    Eh... One of those lives in the US, the other spends most of her time in London, so really Mr.Hobby is much easier to find here. Plus, it's it doesn't require fillers to keep it malleable after you've had it for a few years.
  20. Look at those two, walking in unison, with their foot in the air. Really, how likely is that to happen? I think that image has been doctored... I think they're fake Boobies!
  21. Nah, 'coz we don't want Police who can use their initiative at all, do we? Sounds a lot like my Army CSM Father actually. Never mind Martin... Just be a Keener, eh?
  22. I feel for you Ernie I'm lucky in this respect, in that I'm an only child so don't have to deal with Siblings. Family dynamics have like this have me completely perplexed I must say. My Mother-in-Law's Brother did her over like this in a Will settlement, it seems to be happening a lot these days. Currently up in Rockhampton staying with my Mum at the moment, who's 82 and still very spritely.
  23. No no no, young Man... Do not jam! A beautiful face deserves to be gently caressed. But wet the tip first. . . . . . I feel a little like Cyrano de Bergerac, whispering advice from behind a bush...
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