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Everything posted by Wumm

  1. OK, in that case... Put a second stick and throttle in (if they're not included), and in the front office add a small circular display within a square to the panel, like this from the Owl conversion for the Fw190 A8/R11.
  2. In a Trainer yes, and there would be duplicated flight instruments as well. In a dedicated variant like you're building, probably not. There would be a small array and radios like the back of the He219 / Me262 B etc. I guess it depends on what Z/M has put in the conversion. But then again, yours is a long range Jobbie, so the Pilot might need to take a kip at some stage... S
  3. An afternoon spent mould-making with Silicon for some Fw190 / Ta152 parts.
  4. There's so many lines I could use here... Must... Resist... Just remember to use your mask when you Dremel Meester Meister.
  5. You will probably find it doesn't stick so much, if you put it inside rubber first. And who's this Pam?
  6. Very interesting Doc, Maybe if the eye was backlit as well?
  7. Speaking of Toad secretions... https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.couriermail.com.au/news/regional/accused-red-rooster-robber-hopped-up-on-cane-toad-poison/news-story/e1ab4fa923c110f7d7466f33b8c156c5 If you're ever hopped up on Liquor... Never lick a Hopper!
  8. How are you doing Harv... Any progress?
  9. It's fantastic to have this feature here, and still not have the same slow and buggy problems encountered on other sites that still insist on Members using third party Hosting Sites. Brisbane from above... And down and dirty. S
  10. Not anymore he's not... Well, not from LSP anymore at least. Atmosphere a little toxic over there lately, I'm sure things weren't helped by The Koala chiming in.
  11. I see what you did there... (Flying) Fox-Bat!
  12. Harv, it's a direction finding and homing device. The earlier versions could be rotated manually by the Bordfunker if one was present in the Crew; or in the case of single seaters like the Bf109, it remained in fixed position along the Aircraft axis and the Pilot merely turned to find the signal.
  13. It's like waiting for a Bus around here... Nothing for ages, then two Peil Gerats in a day!
  14. Well, the Peil G IV is described as an "Iron core Search (apparatus) frame"... Conventional wisdom has the outside material as Bakelite, so a speckled dark brown colour would be my choice. This is the G V... Zoukei Mura in their He219 kit has you paint the G VI antenna silver, with the housing tub as RLM66. I would have thought that O2 would have been the preferred option for the tub colour.
  15. Me too... I never realised that the Ju-87 had Peil Gerat installed!
  16. Oh My Giddy Aunt... This is EXACTLY what I've been searching for to detail the Eduard BMW 801 motor!
  17. This is completely ludicrous... I'm in Shipping and Transport, and the risk of a single aerosol can bringing down an Aircraft is many factors below negligible; at about the risk level of any number of the Deodorant cans on board your average flight randomly detonating for no apparent reason. You are far more likely to have the Aircraft brought down because a First Officer on $8000 US salary per annum with only 200 hours flight time experience is at the controls, and hasn't familiarised himself with the specific systems of the type he's flying.
  18. This is wonderful news. Being able to eliminate the pressure from a growing mass causing your symptoms is very reassuring. I'm presuming that no specific Sclerosis lesions, pituitary adenomas or potential aneurysms were visible either, or he would have informed you otherwise... How is your vision and other symptoms today? They will probably schedule you to see a specialist Neuro-opthamologist at some point, as the vision changes are likely the key to solving this. As for your brain mass shrinking, that can be somewhat counteracted by increasing the stimuli, and indulging in more activities that include hand-eye co-ordination. IE... Build more Models!
  19. Whenever it gets a bit too much; stop and take 5 or 10 minutes, close your eyes and try to relax... Visualise all the pain, pressure and stress leaving your head - like the steam rising from a Footballer's head on a cold Winter's day... All the badness pushed out by radiating beams of light and energy. The mind is a powerful tool.
  20. Man, that sounds so convoluted with the to-and-fro of the different Medical Facilities. Over here, my last procedure was done at a Private Hospital because of a backlog in the Public System, but all of the information is shared between facilities and my GP will have the reports when I see him for my annual check in August. We get to keep all scans and X-rays etc, take them home with us. It's a good system at its core, and without getting into the politics of it, I can't understand why the US doesn't do something similar. My former Partner had the same symptoms as you, but they never got a complete diagnosis as she had a reaction to the Gadolinium dye in the MRI and couldn't have further scans. This only added to the problem for her, and made the symptoms worse because of the stress of the whole process. The most important thing is to try and keep a positive attitude, and do your best to keep on top of things mentally (which it sounds like you're already doing). Best luck for tomorrow, and feel free to PM me if you need to chat about symptoms and MS Buddy. Steve
  21. Thank you Jim, I thought as much. All very logical, and as usual you make it look easy.
  22. Jim, I note that before attaching the wings; you've added the wing spar, that has notches to keep the fuselage at the correct spacing. Do you recommend this as the best way to get the resin nose aligned for those attempting this conversion?
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