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Everything posted by Wumm

  1. No invitation required Fellas... Feel free to crash!
  2. The difference in overall lengths of the Hasegawa F and G kits is a couple of millimetres. The newer F series spinner is a more accurate length and shape, which accounts for more than half of the above difference, and brings the overall fuselage comparison between both releases to less than a millimetre. This can be adjusted with a small shim at the G series tail insert if required.
  3. There are many more uses for these than those shown in the video. For instance, I use a half acrylic pencil / half Tamiya acrylic paint black solution over Tamiya AS12 silver spray can base. This is less hardy than an all-paint coating, the pencil component imparts a fragility to the coverage. While the solution is half dry, you can scratch at the surface to reveal the silver underneath, or buff the black with a cloth after it's set to have the silver show through like the top coat is wearing through. These techniques of course can be used with any top colour, not only black. A diluted solution is also excellent for panel washes, as the excess can be simply erased. I'm currently using a mix of basic Children's watercolour pencils, but dedicated sets like these look fantastic! S
  4. Then it's off to the Salt Mines for me!
  5. It's tragic news for your friend Jeff, and it must have been a real shock to hear it in the manner you describe. I remember when I shared my Cancer diagnosis a few years ago with my best friend from back in School, the one thing that stayed with me was the stunned look on his face at the time. He was there for me and was taking everything in, but it all seemed too much at the time and he seemed to struggle with processing the reality of the situation. This was of course the complete opposite for me... I was way ahead of the curve and the initial shock had given way to determining how to deal with things. This is the most important thing to remember: don't regret things unsaid, or that you weren't as supportive as you might have been in a more measured environment. The main thing is that he chose to call you, and that you were simply there for him. As we are for you. The silver lining in all this for Doug is that he has the knowledge of his situation, and a little time to deal with the things that need taking care of. He sounds by your conversation to be at peace with things, and taking advantage of whatever positives there are in this for him. He must have considered you a good friend. S
  6. Chin up Harv... No, really. I mean put your chin up. They even give you a little plastic brace that goes under your neck. In all seriousness tho, here's hoping it's not serious. S
  7. You could Carl, Bouchon is based on the G-2 variant which apart from the motor vents, kompressor intake and some hatches is outwardly identical to the F series... EXCEPT for the canopy, which on Bouchon is the later thicker G type. S
  8. Don't know Ernie, probably searchable if one could be bothered. It sounds like a good option. This Tuesday just past I underwent a procedure to check that my Cancer hadn't returned, which coincidentally costs round-about $3500 Au. And I've had a dozen of them since 2013, plus two more invasive operations before that. So a one-off outlay of $3500 US sounds cheap for the peace of mind it provides. S
  9. Forgive me, but I'm struggling a little with something here... Are the EXACT dimensions of the B-24 cowlings not a known fact? I can tell you the dimensions of the Fw190 cowling, exactly where the motor is placed, how it compares to the various BMW 801-powered bomber variants, and therefore how accurate the various 1/32nd scale kits are when compared to the actual thing. And this from a Regime bombed into submission with most of it's documents thrown into the fire.
  10. There is an Individual on another site who once made mention that he should get a proper spray booth with a filter as he was airbrushing inside the house. It later transpired that his Wife developed Breast Cancer. I have no idea of her medical history, or whether his Hobby contributed to her condition. But it's not only lung function and our own health that we need to worry about. If you or your loved ones are pre-disposed to Cancer or other conditions in other areas of the body, the accumulated effect of breathing or ingesting Hydrocarbons may take years to manifest itself, often discoved too late to guarantee a successful outcome. S
  11. True dat... Coz no-one wants to blister the skin on their Sausage!
  12. This is not an isolated thing... The complexities of our hobby dictate that a cowling sized to scale will perforce require an engine (if provided) that is undersized... Even more so if the kit cowl itself is too small to begin with.
  13. All you need to do Nick is; Scratch-build an engine of your own... Buy some RTV silicone and become proficient at mould making... Buy some 2-part resin and become proficient at resin casting... And make as many copies as you require. Because that's what real Modeller's do apparently.
  14. Well I'm doing it wrong, Bratwurst should really be grilled not fried... Don't you Texans Barbecue everything?
  15. It was the same here for Germans. Australia for some time after WW2 was very British, and it wasn't the done thing to highlight what some saw as questionable Heritage. In my class at School were names like Burgraff, Meyers, Munster, Schneider and Weiss but no-one ever talked about it. Every now and then, my Grandfather would throw in a word here and there like "Raus" or "Benzin" and would let little inflections creep in, but I was none the wiser as I thought it was just the way old people spoke. This is funny... I'm quite literally frying up a breakfast Bratwurst as I write this!
  16. Keep an eye out wherever you go Harv... Such as this little plastic top on the pump-action Mosquito repellent here at my work. It's roughly an inch long by about half, and made from soft plastic that should be easy enough to cut and shape. (Disclaimer: other brands are also available.)
  17. Hey! We're having fun here... Stop bringing logic into the equation!
  18. Not for the FuG 217... It was sometimes used with towel rack antennas and a rear-facing array in combination with the FuG 200 Hohentwiel on Ju88 / He111 and Do17 with the luxury of a third crew member. FuG 200 was primarily an anti-shipping measure, but would have been next to useless against background clutter when seeking ground targets. FuG 200 on Ju88 A-6
  19. I would take Carl up on the Fw190 Yagi antlers... And put them out on the wings. Realistically (and I say this tongue-in-cheek, because after all it's a what-if anyway), there would be precious little room in the nose of the Horton for the electronics is it stands. Or, for a cleaner look, a FuG 217 Neptune array... S
  20. Shatton Modelbau, warum nicht? https://www.modellbau-schatton.de/index.php/shop/nachtjaeger-radar-fug-218-neptun-fuer-me-262-von-trumpeter
  21. Nice! In a perfect world, that would be my next car. The major hurdle is no room for the Dogs inside! A Kid at work runs a stripped down NA model, and it's such a fun little thing to toot along in. My current Mazda 3 has performed faultless over the last 7 years, but I just can't warm to the styling of the new model on the way. Plus the prices are going up, bridging the gap to the MX5, and they've kept the old 114kw motor until the Sky active X comes in later in the year. Anyone know if there's a Dickie seat conversion for the ND?
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