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Everything posted by RockieYarwood

  1. Beautiful build and finish, John!
  2. I think that looks terrific, Kev!
  3. Hang in there Harv! I didn't come out so well with my divorce, but anymore about all I miss is Rusty. Still living in a no-pets apartment, but someday I'll have another canine companion! 🙂 !
  4. Looks great, Gary. The wood effect on that 2 cm mount is really nice!
  5. Cool! They still look great.
  6. She's a beauty, John! Glad I could help out - and you have inspired me to take a look at building one of mine... Cheers, Rockie
  7. Coming along beautifully, Jeroen!
  8. Loved this one...
  9. Beautiful build and finish Peter!
  10. What an interesting subject. Really nice build and finish, John!
  11. That is going to be pretty!
  12. Beautiful progress. Looks like a perfect undercoat.
  13. Beautiful build and presentation. Excellent work, Mike!
  14. Absolutely lovely work, Oliver!
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