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Everything posted by RockieYarwood

  1. Awesome work on the photo etch Carl!
  2. Best wishes for a speedy recovery for both of you!
  3. Totally agree!
  4. Cool choice there, John!
  5. Looking great Ernie, glad you made it home too!
  6. Double Chevron, yellow rudder and lower cowl? Sweet!
  7. Nice project Marco, I look forward to following along. Have you picked your subject markings yet? Cheers, Rockie
  8. Nice choice and great progress, PW! I agree with Gaz - Finnish markings are cool.
  9. Nice progress, looks great. -R
  10. Talk about the classics!
  11. Great progress, Gus. I'm enjoying following along...
  12. Pretty! Looking great, Peter.
  13. Beautiful build and finish! You have really brought out the best in that kit. Cheers, Rockie
  14. Inspirational work, Oliver!
  15. Really nice progress! But am I the only one who finds the image of your bare leg a little disturbing? 🦵 Using hobby knives while naked can be dangerous (please don't ask me how I know)...
  16. Awesome work on the cockpit and engine, Dave.
  17. Wow, that's a trip down memory lane! Lovely work on all.
  18. And Tom is an expert when it comes to doing that!
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