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Everything posted by Kaireckstadt

  1. This will be another stunning model John!
  2. Simply excellent Mike ! As usual!
  3. Thank you for your feedback Peter. The eyes of the figures aren’t easy to paint and I use a pinpoint 0,03 mm pen for the pupils.
  4. Copy Gary John, nice finish!
  5. Your building speed is terrific and your results look awesome. White is not the easiest color to airbrush.
  6. Thank you for your feedback Martin! It‘s always extra work to change the posures on figures but it brings more life to them.
  7. Thank you for your feedback Peter. I like smooth weathering too only to bring out the details. I managed to nearly complete the cockpit within the last days. Only the oxygen hoses of the crew are missing and I have to add the first light to the HUD. I have to scratch the hoses with wire because the ones from PJ Productions included are unusable. Here are some pics of the actual status: Next update to follow soon.
  8. Great Progress Gary! You have to do a lot of work with the Zimmerit! The idea with the fenders made of brass adds much realism to the model. The technique you use is really good!
  9. Looking very good John and the idea of lowering the flaps adds a lot of life to the finished model.
  10. Great work on the Zimmerit Gary! Looks perfect to me. Curious how the build will go on!
  11. Great work on the Zimmerit Gary! Looks perfect to me. Curious how the build will go on!
  12. Great build and awesome weathering, John!
  13. Great build with an awesome paintjob! I‘m a Corsair fan too and I love yours!
  14. Thank you for your feedback Harv, Gary and DocRob. The quality of the kit and the detailing is much better than that of the Mirage. So up to now it’s no patience tester at all. I hope that this will go on during the rest of the build…😉
  15. Great looking pit with awesome details John! Thanks for the tipp with the slide show. Much more details visible! Good to know that Revell and Tamiya match that good!
  16. Nice progress John! Coming along very good!
  17. Well done surgery on the Zimmerit Gary! And Kaiser is so cute! Hope that he won’t reduce your benchtime too much…
  18. Thank you all for your feedback! In the meantime I managed to paint and weather the bangseats and weather the instruments-console of the WSO. I only applied the straps on the seats that can be applied when a figure is sitting on it. This is also the reason why the ejection handle is still missing. The pilot‘s seat: The weathered panel of the WSO: And finally the seat of the WSO: Weathering was done with black and white oil colors heavily thinned. Next step will be to finish the painting of the pilots and installing them with the straps to their seats.
  19. Nice colorful scheme and cockpit art! The silver looks really good. Which color did you use?
  20. Nice start on the next tank Gary! Looking very good so far!
  21. Thank you for your feedback! The effect on the wingroot was achieved with 3 layers of paint (aluminum color, green primer color and blue camouflage color) as a basis. Then I used a fiberglass eraser and a scalpel blade to erase the paint carefully according to original photos. The fuel staining is different variations of the basic blue camouflage lightened with white, green and yellow and applied by airbrush in thin layers. The black stains were done with Soot color out of a Tamiya Weatherine Set and applied with a shortened old small brush. Also based on original fotos. For further questions feel free to ask me. Kai
  22. Great new topic John!
  23. Thanks for your feedback. Today I was able to paint the WSO instrument board. Only weathering missing: Now bangseats- and pilots-painting will follow. I wish you all a happy and healthy new year 2022!
  24. Great progress John! Awesome work as usual!
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