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Everything posted by Kaireckstadt

  1. Interesting new topic Peter! So you also build cars now? I will follow your build closely!
  2. This looks great John! Which yellow did you use? From which supplier? I‘m curious how it will look like with the gloss yellow!
  3. Great work so far Carl. All of your work reminds me of my build. I also installed the landing gear after attaching the nacelle to the wing. It worked without any problems.
  4. I hope that the rain is over now Gary! Sounds like it was half end of the world! I really like how your figures turned out Gary. The camouflaged uniforms and the busy poses add lots of realism to them. They will for sure enhance the scene with the Jagdtiger a lot!
  5. I know about the problems you describe regarding the faces. I have the same! But to me your faces are looking quite realistic. Can‘t wait to see your uniforms with your explanation regarding the Waffenfarbe !
  6. Thank you for your feedback my friends!
  7. Great detail work on the headsets and wiring Gary! Absolutely amazing!
  8. Great work ob the figures Gary! The poses look quite realistic and add a lot of action to the tank!
  9. Great work so far Carl. I didn’t remove all the ejector pin marks because most of the bomb-bay is hidden by covers and the Upkeep-mine and the braces holding it. Do you have the excellent book of Mark Postlethwaite and Peter Forkasewicz about the Dambuster Lancaster? This is really a must when you build it because it shows all the differences of Type 464 provisioning: I used it throughout my build and it’s a fantastic reference!
  10. Great work on the turret-parts Carl. There are many parts to be treated and painted for such a huge bomber. Can‘t wait to see your progress!
  11. Yesterday I completed the cabling of the front-undercarriage. This included the implementation of the cables for the taxi-light. Fortunately I found a cable on the real part which I used to guide the cables. This is how it looks like now: I also tested the light and it works: Finally I made a hole for guiding the cables out of the wheel bay: Next will be to paint the undercarriage and then assemble the complete bay.
  12. Thank you Rob. Now the cockpit is finished and the wheel bays are under construction.
  13. Another stunning racer you‘ve build John! Eyecatching livery and a great build!
  14. Great looking British Rhino! A model I‘ve never seen on an exhibition in this scale before. She’s a beauty!
  15. Thank you Harv my friend. Much appreciated Thank you very much for your nice feedback Gary.
  16. Great subject and camouflage Gary!
  17. Great work on the uniforms and heads Gary! Especially the camouflage on the uniforms looks awesome!
  18. I have added cards and checklists to the leg-pockets of the crew and finished the painting and weathering of the bar in the cockpit separating the pilot and the WSO and the nose landing gear bay. Weathering was done with oil-colors on a future base. Next step will be the detailing of the nose-wheel components and adding various cabling.
  19. Awesome build of an awesome livery. I really like these colorful japanese Rhinos plastered with stencils. This one has museum quality Rob!
  20. Great looking FGR-2 Rhino Cees! Now all the work you put in it pays off!
  21. Thank you for the feedback! It’s always nice to hear when you know about a crew or technician having to do with the aircraft type you build as a model. I worked in the depot-maintenance of the Tornado when I was a member of the GAF in the late 80 ties. Was one of the most interesting jobs I ever had in my life. You should build a model of the Tornado and place it in front of your painting! Will look great I suppose.
  22. I will finish the Tonka because I plan to exhibit it together with the Lancaster Dambuster on the EME (Euro Model Expo) in Germany end of march. But you can be sure that the Viggen is the next on my bench. That’s Italeri, Gary! Good choice to build yours in-flight. This will really save a lot of work. Also when you build it with retracted flaps and slats. Great video of the MW-1! Hope that Italeri will add it to the release of the IDS version.
  23. Looks great Gary! Good decision to spray the numbers over the rough Zimmerit! I curious how the tank will look like with weathering applied.
  24. I really like the camo-scheme you did Gary. Looks quite convincing to me! I like the squiggles you did.
  25. Das sieht toll aus Gary! Die Details sind super! Can‘t wait to see the progress!
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