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Everything posted by Kaireckstadt

  1. Thank you all for your feedback. Unfortunately the kit offers some of the same problems I had with the Mirage III kit. When I have finished it I will make a pause building Italeri kits. In the meanwhile my Viggen arrived and I’m really struggling with myself not to start it immediately…
  2. Awesome paintjob Thomas. Stunning model 🤩
  3. These figures look great Gary. Have you ever thought of using Tamiya Tape for the straps and slings? Or is it too thick? Maybe it’s a suggestion to think about.
  4. The poses and uniforms look absolutely realistic! Stunning work!
  5. You are right Peter: You need a pocket-lamp to see the hidden details. I’m working on the front landing gear at the moment. Lots of seams to be removed on every part. I’m again disappointed from Italeri: After rework: Taxi-light prepared for LED: LED test-fitted: Next step is to paint all parts and add the necessary wiring to make it look more realistic and to hide the cable to the LED in the taxi-light.
  6. Very nice Rhino! Love the livery!
  7. Great decalwork Rob. This will be a stunning build with an eyecatching livery.
  8. Good luck with your renovation Peter! Hope that everything works as expected to have you back to the bench as soon as possible!
  9. Copy Rob: Looking awesome and I‘m curious how the figures will turn out Gary!
  10. Awesome work John! This will be a stunning eyecatcher in the end! Love it!
  11. Thank you for your feedback and that you will accompany my build.
  12. Thank you both for your feedback! Much appreciated!
  13. Great progress Gary! Haven’t heard about the „Nahverteidigungswaffe“ so far and you did a nice rework on the turret to make it historically correct! Only one track-element left in the end ? That’s not very much! Carful work necessary then!
  14. Last weekend I painted the fuselage front halves from the inside and test-fitted the cockpit. The test showed that some rework was necessary in the region of the HUD. I had to grind the surfaces at the inside thinner to make the glas-part fit perfectly. With this rework the fit of the cockpit is ok. What is noticeable too is that much of the details of the side-consoles is hidden deep inside the fuselage. Here are some pics showing the test-fit: Next step is the assembly of the front gearwheel bay and the nose gear with the next light of the Magic Scale Modeling Set used for the nose-wheel landing light.
  15. Great work Rob! This will be a stunner in the end!
  16. Awesome work and diorama Gary! This is really an absolute showstopper. The scene is quite realistic! I love it!
  17. Great job John! Looks absolutely convincing to me!
  18. Looking quite good and the details are amazing Harv !
  19. Great start John. Do you have a production-line for Mustangs? Your building speed is incredible!
  20. Thank you for your feedback Peter and Gary. Much appreciated!
  21. Today I managed to install the light for the HUD. It‘s one of the lights out the set from Magic Scale Modeling which I will use for the Model. The set consists of a motherboard and LEDs which have to be painted with transparent colors because they are very bright. They are glued in place with UV-glue which comes with the set. This one I bought extra for my Dambuster Lancaster because there were many more things to attach. Bondic UV-glue set: Test-run with painted light: Mother board and power supply: Light running: And switched off: Cabling alongside the cockpit tub: Everything stored for further assembly. The „3“ belongs to the pin on the motherboard to which the plug has to be connected in the end. It‘s really plug-n-play. You only have to think about where to place the motherboard in the model and how to do the cabling within the model. Now the cockpit is complete and I can start with the undercarriage.
  22. Thank you for your feedback Gary! I try to do the lighting on the HUD this weekend and post some pictures here then. Thank you for your feedback Peter! Much appreciated!
  23. Great build and perfect recovery actions Rob! I especially like how all the metal surfaces turned out!
  24. Great build John and a real eyecatcher very seldom seen. You build large scale planes in an astounding speed. Where do you store all the finished models?
  25. Thank you all for your feedback. Today I managed to add all missing hoses: The oxygen hoses of the crews‘ oxygen masks and the hoses to the ejection seats. For the masks of the crew I found a perfect reference foto in the internet: And for the hoses to the ejection seats: All hoses were scratched from wire. This is how they came out: Pilot and front ejection seat: WSO and back ejection seat: Final step will be adding the light to the HUD. This will be the topic for the next post.
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