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Everything posted by belugawhaleman

  1. Well yes, The 152mm gun probably would wreck anything it was aimed at , but I think it was conceived to destroy tanks. The tamiya instructions state that it was called, in Russian, "the beast Killer". Years later, these were taken out of storage, and used to collapse the foundations of the Chernobyl power plant. They were left at the site and remain there today.
  2. I always wanted to build the Monogram kit but could never find one. I'm interested but the price is perhaps a bit more than I want to pay. I paid over $70.00 for the Tamiya Betty , and that was hard for me to do for a 1/48 kit.
  3. Now I'm working on this....A Tamiya JSU-152. I had read some reviews on this kit and some builders claim to have had fit problems with the upper hull. I found NO issues with fit none. Either Tamiya fixed it or the reviewers/builders did something dreadfully wrong. I added an Aber Barrel that looks great. Just a few more parts to go and assembly will be done.
  4. Not to interrupt here but sometimes hitting the collet with a little degreaser will help the bit from slipping....even Tamiya extra thin can be used. I even did this with my new Dspiae before using it. Do this with a small brush on the part that fits inside the pin vise.
  5. Thanks, I have a Tamiya Hetzer....didn't know about the Academy kit. I'll see if I can download that kit's instructions on scalemates... To get the color call-outs.
  6. Well Peter, I've already used it and my impressions are positive. It's solidly built and very easy to use. Formerly, Dspiae used two set screws on their drill/pin vise to hold the bits in place. I think the change to a twist Collet makes more sense. The drill bits look to be good quality and are very sharp. I've tried the drill with other bits I purchased from Amazon and Harbor Freight and they fit. Please note the bits have what appears to be about 1/8 inch shanks ( 3 something mm.) and the drill does not adjust to smaller shanked drill bits. Drill bits with this size shank are common and Dspiae sells sets of these. I paid about $20.00 US. For the set. The set comes in a nice case and the usual Dspiae packaging ...also nice. Incidentally, I purchased the set because I was looking a set that included drill sizes typically called-out in Tamiya's instructions. The sizes included are : 1.2mm, 1.1mm, 1mm, 0.9mm, 0.8mm, 0.7mm, 0..6mm, 0.5mm, 0.4mm, and 0.3mm.
  7. Some items today: From Dspiae, a nice drill set. (AT-SHD). This is typical Dspiae quality. It includes a anodized aluminum and steel hand drill having a smooth palm swivel at top, a twist collet Chuck ,and a magnet that holds the bit in place while inserting the bit. It also comes with 10 tungsten drill bits. Next; from ASK Distribution, a mask set for the Tamiya "Betty" I bought recently. Their G4M1 Betty Type 11 1/48 (200-M48059). Lots of windows on a Betty. Next; from STAR DECALS, their set for Hetzers used during the 1945 Prague uprising. An impulse buy, it just looked interesting. Jagdpanzer 38(t)s were used with their main guns removed and replaced with MGs and some weird graffiti and markings. Last; more Friulmodel track sets. ATL-14 for my Tamiya JS-2 ATL-71 for my Tamiya Matilda. I had another set on the way but USPS decided that the parcel needed a 700 mile detour westward to San Francisco instead of sending it eastward to Illinois-- inexplicable
  8. Amazing work Peter! The finished model looks amazing! 370 decals......after 75 or so I would have run out of my house screaming!
  9. Would using a hair-dryer work?
  10. Glad to see more work on this. An amazing- looking kit! Nice work!
  11. Barry, now That's modeling ! The details done in brass....outstanding.
  12. Thanks. I'm calling this one done. That's just the way I like it....a clean build.
  13. Cool sander....linear, thats different!
  14. My thoughts exactly..... Also love the Traction Avant!
  15. Have you ever seen a MAS 1936 rifle? Not the most elegant of designs, no safety and awkwardly forward bent bolt handle. Having owned one, I must say it did hande and fire well. I also owned the ground-breaking Mle. 1866 Chassepot needle-fire rifle that quickly became obsolete. I like French stuff.....even the Citroen DS, but the ARL-44 and the AMX-50b were not good designs. They both suffered from engine and drive train problems and were for the French people a complete waste of funding.
  16. Thanks I saw a documentary about how Israel got their first Tanks recently and the H39 was featured. A great idea for the markings!
  17. Today a couple of items...... First; from Tamiya, their Mitsubishi Isshikirikko Type 11 G4M1 (61049) in 1/48 scale. Looks like a nice kit and.... It's Big! Also today; yet another set of Friulmodel tracks. A set for the Conqueror tank.
  18. Nice work Carl! Incidentally, I was recently gifted one of the Hasegawa "Egg Girls". These are companion pieces for their own Egg planes. I have to admit I was taken by suprise! She's 1/12 scale- so pretty big. The character is " Rei Hazumi" , dressed in a swimsuit, and in a dynamic pose. Something different for me, but I have to admit, she's pretty cute!
  19. Looking great Rob! I'm expecting hearing those engines start-up they look so real! Excellent work!
  20. I'm pretty sure I'll go for this one....just imagine the aftermarket stuff that Will pop up! I remember one of these was in the movie The Killing Fields . I have the ancient Tamiya kit that I bought as a nostalgia thing....I built it as a kid and I thought I'd build it again....but this thing! That old 1/35 Tamiya kit will probably fit inside it! Here's a scene from that movie.
  21. Saw that...here's the video. Not at all what I was guessing! An interesting subject.. The ubiquitous little M113 used by just about everyone for years!
  22. I have the same feelings. I asked my mom to see my birth certificate........... She seemed cagey, and tried to change the subject.
  23. Coming along nicely!
  24. Very sad to hear. Hoping for a quick recovery....
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